BÜTTNER ELEKTRONIK – power line pure sinewave inverter
2 Appropriate use
For the comfortable and manual use of
the power line inverter, you can use the
remote control with included remote
connecti on cable of 5 m length. The remote
connecti on cable is prepared on both sides
for direct plug-in connecti on.
Connecting of the remote control
For the mounti ng of the remote control,
a cutout of approx. 51 x 62 mm and instal-
lati on depth of 20 mm is required.
Installati on of remote control
In additi on to the remote control, the
powerline inverter has a 12 V control
signal input, which allows many diff erent
operati ng modes. In the easiest way
this input can be operated with another
manual switch, or it allows the connecti on
to an external control system. Acti vati on
of the control signal input has higher
priority then the remote control. This means
that when the inverter is acti vated by the
control signal input, the device cannot
be switched off from the remote control.
The connection to the inverter takes
place with 6.3 mm cable lugs. The red
input cable must be connected to the
positi ve signal voltage.
Remote control signal input
62 mm
51 mm