burster Italia s.r.l. · Sede legale ed operativa · Via Cesare Battisti, 16/18 · 24035 Curno (BG) · Tel. +39 035 618120 · Fax +39 035 618250
e-mail: [email protected] · http://www.burster.it
C.F. e P.IVA 11048400151 · Capitale sociale Euro 49.920,00 · R.E.A. di Bergamo 276749
Apparecchi di misura di precisione. Sensori e Sistemi
per grandezze elettriche, termiche e meccaniche
Mechanical Setup
The sensor consists of a stationary part, the stator and a rotary part, the rotor.
Stator Electronics
supply and measuring
Rotor Electronics
supply of the SG full
bridge and the
measuring amplifier
Rotating Transformer
signal transmission from stator
to rotor and reversed
Meas. Body
with SG bridge
Cable Connection
electrical connection
Air Gap
for free rotation of
the rotor
Mounting Plate
for fastening of the stator
Slot Hole Drillings 2 x M8
for fastening
for stator alignment