End mill:
If you are starting a complete panel, it is generally a good idea to install a new end mill.
Used end mills may be used where tolerances or finish are not as critical. End mills
may be inspected using a loupe or strong magnifying glass.
chipping on the
cutting edge is cause for rejection.
Turn on controller:
The computer and controller may be turned on in any sequence, but normally, turn on
the controller before AvCAM is opened, If AvCAM is started first, then the F2 key must
be hit to establish communications.
Verify that the controller spindle switch is set to auto, and the router on/off switch is on.
Set the work zero using the “R” key or other position setting tools described in the help
file > contents > cutting files.
If Z zero has not been set, set it now.
Verify coolant:
The coolant performs several functions.
Cools the cutter bit.
Flushes chips off of the material.
Lubricates end mill. Keeps aluminum from building up on the bit. Material buildup
will drastically increase cutting pressure breaking bits.
The recommended coolant is Cool Mist #78. It does not stain aluminum when rinsed off
promptly after cutting and provides good lubricity. Mix the coolant with 4-6 oz of coolant
to 1 gallon of tap water, note the color of the mixed coolant. As the machine is used,
coolant will evaporate. Often it is only necessary to add water. Watch the color of the
coolant to maintain approximate mixture. It should have a pale blue color. If it is too
weak of a mixture, then corrosion will be more of a problem.
Fill the coolant tank within 5” of the top
. If the coolant is too low, it will not pump at
all or there will be bubbles in the clear coolant hose. When bubbles appear dump
about a gallon of water into the drain pan. Clean parts with clear water to remove
residual coolant. Dried coolant leaves a sticky film.