The USB drivers load first, then AvCAM, then EasyCAD, then the drawing libraries.
If you are asked to reboot the computer, say no and wait till the command prompt goes
away. You will be asked to hit any key in between each install segment above.
If you wish to have more information on the USB drive install process, copy the
following and insert it in a bowser address window or cntrl click to open
This guide is also on the distribution thumb drive for your convenience.
load the AvCAM thumb drive into your computer. If the AvCAM install does
not start automatically, go to Windows Start\run\E:autorun.bat where E is your usb drive
number. This batch file installs AvCAM and EasyCAD, sets up the proper folders and
copies the drawing libraries.
The initial installation must be accomplished from the thumb drive. Note the
application key
on the thumb drive envelope. It will be required on the first time the
program is run on each computer it is installed on.
If you are installing this on a computer that has had AvCAM installed for a previous
machine, you will need to tell AvCAM that you are changing activation keys by hitting
shift + F11. Make sure the activation key for the proper Panel Pro serial number is
used when operating the machine.
If the wrong activation key is used, it may result in large errors when cutting.
Important! A valid email address is required to provide you with AvCAM updates.
Install EasyCAD:
EasyCAD should automatically install when AvCAM is installed.
To manually install EasyCAD:
Click Windows Start\run.
Type in E:\EasyCAD756.exe where E is your cdrom drive number.
I recommend installing in the default C:\ECW750 folder. Other files are dependant on
this path name.
If you already have drawings in the C:\ECW750 folder, copy them to another folder to
protect from overwriting.