EasyCAD is especially suited for use with the Panel Pro.
One of the most useful properties is the ability to insert instrument drawings (insert part).
EasyCAD keeps all of the entities grouped so that the entire instrument can be moved, or
erased, keeping all of its entities intact. When the entire file is exported as a dxf,
EasyCAD exports the individual entities so it is not necessary to have libraries of dxf files.
EasyCAD tour:
EasyCAD uses a system of menus and toolbars to access commands. All commands
can also be initiated with a text command. For instance a line can be initiated by open-
ing the draw>line menu, clicking the line tool on the tool bar, or typing the word “line”
and hitting enter.
In this document when we refer to a command, it will take the form of the menu item ie
draw followed by a “>” and the sub menus also separated by the forward arrow. So a
line command takes the form of draw>line.
This is a good time to customize the drawing desktop for your preferences.
If you copied the configuration files from the distribution USB drive to your EasyCAD7
folder, some customization will already have taken place.
You should see a color bar, a draw bar, and an edit bar on the left side of the screen,
and a standard icon bar on the right. See software installation for more information on
extra Icons.
On the bottom of the screen you will see an icon with a hammer on it. Click on that to
customize tool bar placement as desired. On the lower left corner of the pop up menu,
verify that “use scroll bars” is checked.
When you invoke the file>new command, the settings specified in the standard.ft7
template file will be loaded so that text styles, line styles, layers and other settings will
be loaded. See the EasyCAD help file for more information on templates.