LinkStation User Manual
You can install following software applications and the manual by using utilities CD which comes
with the LinkStation.
Select and install software from the selection screen which is displayed during Setup (Or click
[Option] and follow the instruction on the screen to install software).
NAS Navigator2
You need NAS Navigator2 in order to display the Web
Admin interface of the LinkStation or search for the
LinkStation from the network.
It is always installed when you setup by clicking [Begin
Installation] on LinkNavigator.
When using Power Management with PC feature,
you need to install NAS Navigator2 on all computers
connected within the same network as LinkStation.
File Sharing Security Level Change Tool
To use the LinkStation with Windows Vista, Windows Server2003, Windows Server2008, or Windows
7, you must change some security settings in Windows. The File Security Tool will make these
changes for you automatically.
During initial setup, the message "Change security level. Will you continue?" will be displayed. Click
[Yes], follow the instructions on the screen, and restart your PC.
You can download the File Sharing Security Level Change Tool from www.buffalotech.com.
Click [Start] - [BUFFALO] - [File Security Tool] - [File Security Tool].
The File Security Tool will launch. If "A program needs your permission to continue" is
displayed, click [Continue].