4.8 Cooling medium
The hydraulic oil circuit is supplied with an cooling coil which
must be used to cool the hydraulic oil. If the Rotavapor is started
up without a cooling system, there is a risk of the hydraulic unit
overheating. The standard version of the Rotavapor R-187 Ex is
designed for coolant temperatures of 5°C and higher. At
temperatures below 5°C the hydraulic oil cools too much,
impairing the hydraulic system´s efficiency. As an option operation
with a cooling brine with a temperaure below 5°C is possible.
Please ask your Büchi Service Centre.
4 Putting into operation
4.9 Connections
Vacuum connection
Hose connector, Ø 21 mm external.
Coolant inlet
Hose connector, Ø 21 mm external.
(Coolant with temperatures below 5° C can only be used with
a control valve, see Section 4.8.)
Coolant outlet
Hose connector, Ø 21 mm external.
Electrical connection
In compliance with the power rating plate (located at back
of housing).
Figure 11: Separate triggering of the oil cooler
Figure 12: Coolant and electrical connections