The device consists of three units: the main unit, the compressor unit and the applicator.
Main system – BTL- 5000 unit, which includes the main microcomputer and software for control of the whole
equipment, including user encyclopaedia and the therapy guide.
Compressor – apart from the compressor there is also the complete electronics attached for the regulation of
the ballistic pressure.
Applicator – ergonomical applicator simplifies the „course of" the therapy, following the instructions of the
main unit.
The system enables the connection of two applicators. Each applicator can contain a different transmission
element, differing in its size and characteristic. Thereby the system features an advantage of service abilities for
two different therapies, with no need to change the transmission elements. However, only one applicator can be
active at a time. It is not possible to use two applicators together, at the same time.
The shockwave is defined as a wave with a rapid increase of pressure in a very short time and gradual decline
with a phase of small negative pressure.
Shockwaves are aimed at the affected areas that are the cause of chronic pain. The influence of shockwaves
leads to for example dissolution of calcic deposits and better vascularisation, and in its final effect it causes relief
of pain.
Outside the client's body (extracorporeally), a pressure pulse with a high amplitude is generated, and its energy is
concentrated into the target area in the body . The pressure pulse without major losses travels through a water
medium to the client and penetrates soft tissue.
The pressure course of the shockwave in time expressively differs from the pressure course of the harmonic
sound wave. The shockwave is compared to the ultrasonic waves particularly characterized by a pressure jump
change, higher amplitude and non-periodicity.
In the shockwave, the positive amplitude is generally much bigger than the negative amplitude. The frequency
rate of the shockwaves is usually low (Hz units) and eventual cavitation (disturbance of material
consistency – rise of cavities) will relax. Consequently there is no threat of energy exhaustion on cavitations as in
the case of continuous ultrasound.
A substantial part of the shockwave energy penetrates into liquid (of the organism) with a great positive pressure
pulse. Its diffusion is only limited by the actual tissue absorption and eventual reflections on acoustic
The shockwave is defined as a pressure pulse with these characteristics:
• High positive pressure amplitude – 10 to 1000 MPa = 100 to 1000 Bar (100x atmospheric pressure)
• Low negative pressure amplitude – 1 to 10 MPa
• Short time duration – 1 µs to 20 µs
• Rapid pressure increase – < 100 ns
• Broad frequency spectrum – 1 Hz to 1 MHz