Technical data
and start-up
NLG5 charger
Technical Properties
Covers a large battery voltage range (200 - 520 V
Scalable charging power of 3.3 kW – 20 kW (through linkage of several NLG5)
Isolation between mains and HV battery by integrated HF transformer
Compact and lightweight construction
Vibration-resistant construction for mobile use
Can be plugged into all connections
Programmable charging profile via RS 232 and CAN
Firmware updates via PC
CAN interface integrated as standard
Safety installation
Control Pilot
enables fast and efficient charging at correspondingly equipped
power sockets
Meets standard requirements (EMI, mains harmonics etc.)
Passive HVIL (HV interlock)
Precise and efficient charging power
2 digital inputs e.g. for external power control
4 digital outputs, 3 of which can be freely programmed for the driving of relays, LEDs or fans
Basic function of the NLG5 charger
The NLG5 charger is generally designed for both stationary and mobile use. Due to its large output voltage range
and the universal control mechanisms (automatically or via CAN) it is suitable for charging almost every type of HV
battery. By linking several chargers, various charging power requirements can be met (from motorcycles, cars,
delivery vehicles and buses to lorries). The maximum input current on 230 V / 240 V mains is 16 A and is thereby
within the loading capacity limits for standardised mains installations with CEE sockets. If the mains loading
capacity is lower, the charging power must be reduced correspondingly using the power limiters
Control Pilot
Power Indicator
With the NLG5 the emphasis was put on a compact and lightweight design to ensure that it can be used in almost
all applications and installation locations. An integrated resonance circuit provides high efficiency and low EMI. The
processor-driven charging algorithms ensure optimum and efficient results and contribute to a longer lifespan of the
charger and the HV battery. The NLG5 is programmable and can therefore be adapted to individual customer
wishes. With the provided software
, individual charging profiles can be created and with these the
charger can be adapted to the relevant operational environment.
Intelligent safety installations always ensure the functioning and immediate reaction of the charger in case of a fault
(e.g. over-voltage, short-circuits, overheating). The NLG5 charger is obtainable in both air- and water-cooled form.
The water-cooled design is can be easily integrated into an available cooling circuit.