Technical data
and start-up
NLG5 charger
Safety Installations / Power Limitations
Control Pilot (CP)
The control pilot is a safety installation which also increases the reliability of the charging process of an electric
vehicle. It is absolutely necessary if the supply-side charging current exceeds 16 A. The CP signal is fed to the
charger from the charging station via an additional contact in the mains plug and thereby transmits the maximum
permitted current carrying capacity of the mains socket. Here, currents of 6 A - 32 A can be transmitted. The CP
signal generator can also be integrated into an adapter cable for normal household sockets. In this case, this signal
generator transmits a suitable current limitation so that the household socket is not overloaded.
The CP interface enables the bi-directional exchange of information between the charging station and the electric
vehicle and it is standardised worldwide.
Overload Protection (Derating)
Continuous operation at the temperature limit will inevitably lead to a higher level of wear of the
This security installation is the charger's self-protection. If the charger reaches a defined temperature threshold,
this means a decrease in power (derating) to protect the charger from damage through overheating. The power will
subsequently be reduced in proportion to the temperature increase until the temperature falls back within the target
Air-cooled chargers start to reduce the maximum power as soon as the ambient temperature is at +40°C. Water-
cooled chargers can charge on full power up to a cooling water temperature of +60°C.
Requirements of the Start-up Personnel
All courses of action described in this manual may only be carried out by a qualified electrician! Specialist staff are
defined as electricians who dispose of
professional training,
knowledge and experience in the field of electronics / electric mobility,
as well as knowledge of relevant requirements and dangers
which they can display in practice. Furthermore, they must be able to assess the work assigned to them
independently, detect possible dangers and establish necessary protection measures.