SRE-1550 02-09-2009
rail mounting foot
clamp assembly
1/2" to 1"
(13-25 mm)
above nosing
1. Install rail mounting foot clamps in
the placement pattern shown to the
Leave a minimum space of 1-1/2"
(38 mm) from the wall.
For ease of installation, finger tighten
all clamps to rail.
Position the cla
mp assembly so the
nut is closest to the wall.
3. Slide top and bottom clamps down
until firmly seated on step. When
installing on carpeted stairs, tap the
clamps with a rubber mallet to
compress carpet and cushion before
anchoring to steps.
4. Securely install one screw near the
wall on the top and bottom of foot of
clamp assemblies. This will enable the
installer to change the position of the
rail if necessary and prevent drilling
excess holes.
POSITIONING FOOT CLAMP ASSEMBLIES-Residential and Commercial Units
Foot Clamp Placement
• bottom landing
• first tread up from bottom landing
• top landing
• first tread down from top landing
• closest
tread above and below rail
• minimum of every third tread
over the
remainder of the staircase.
If top or bottom clamp is omitted
because the landing is cement
or ceramic tile, or if the owner
wishes not to drill holes in the
landing, a set of clamps should
be added on the second-to- last
step and at the top of stairway.
If threaded fastener
extends below a stair
tread that is exposed,
it can be trimmed flush
with pliers.
• Install foot clamps at least 1-1/2”
(38 mm) from wall.
• Provide additional clearance if
seat needs to swivel against wall.
• Before securing all clamps, run
carriage assembly up and down
stairway to check seat clearance
over the entire travel length.