Statistics Registers
BCM5718 Programmer’s Guide
January 29, 2016 • 5718-PG108-R
Page 342
ifHCInUcastPkts (offset: 0x88C)
The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher sublayer, which were not addressed to a multicast
or broadcast address at this sublayer.
ifHCInMulticastPkts (offset: 0x890)
The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher sublayer, which were addressed to a multicast
address at this sublayer.
ifHCInBroadcastPkts (offset: 0x894)
The number of packets delivered by this sublayer to a higher sublayer, which were addressed to a broadcast
address at this sublayer.
dot3StatsFCSErrors (offset: 0x898)
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length and do not
pass the FCS check.
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors (offset: 0x89C)
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of octets in length and do
not pass the FCS check.
xonPauseFrameReceived (offset: 0x8A0)
MAC control frames with pause command and length equal to zero.
xoffPauseFrameReceived (offset: 0x8A4)
MAC control frames with pause command and length greater than zero.
macControlFramesRecevied (offset: 0x8A8)
MAC control frames with no pause command.
xoffStateEntered (offset: 0x8AC)
Transmitting is disabled.
dot3StatsFramesTooLongs (offset: 0x8B0)
A count of frames received on a particular interface that exceeds the maximum permitted frame size.