6.3.16 FTP Update
Update Configuration
The Update Configuration sheet lets you update new firmware. Key in
Server Name, File Name
User ID
which your new firmware loaded, select
Save Password
, then above data will be saved in the sheet.
Update Now
icon, the update Status will be show in the Status Window. This WBT has outstanding function that allows
FTP updating the latest BIOS/bootloader. The procedure is the same with updating firmware showing as above. Make sure
the file name is correct.
6.3.17 Certificates
Certificates is the basic component of Microsoft PKI . and the main purpose is to assure secret .
Users can be granted authorization to browse the web or to enter a sever by getting certificates.
Trust the Certificates
Certificates function offers user to import, view and remove certificates which have be issued , control , renew and revoke
by CA.
BOSSTX2B CE 5.0 User's Manual