Bosch Rexroth Canada ı 03.10.2011 ı Revision 5.4
15 Temperature Sensor Configuration
15.1 Selecting the Temperature Sensor Manufacturer
Insert the programming key, select “SENSORS AND VALVES” and select “TEMP
SENSOR”. The screen to the left will appear.
Use the Down navigation button to move the cursor to “THE DESIRED OPTION” and
press the Enter button.
15.2 Temperature Compensation
Then enter the desired temperature compensation percentage. E.g. 2% means the
application rate will increase by 2% for each degree the temperature goes down
since the last dial selection. 00% turns this feature off.
Press the Escape button twice to return to the first screen.
Note: In order to reduce rate fluctuations, the temperature must change 3 degrees
for a rate adjustment to occur. Also, the temperature compensation feature is
disabled when the sensor reads below -16 deg.