Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
5.4 During Transport
Pos : 5.13 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Trans port, Lagerung und Ver pac kung/Während der F Ahrt AHK EU Böc ker (00985) @ 10\mod_1147433079527_1.doc @ 98567
WARNING! Risk of damage to persons and property!
Overturning the device can result in serious injury and property damage!
Consequently always heed the following:
Speed max. 80 km/h.
Reduce speed significantly for curves.
Reduce speed if there are ruts in the road.
Reduce speed significantly in poor driving conditions.
Avoid unpaved roads, or drive on unpaved roads at walking speed (max.).
Avoid steep, laterally inclined roads and passages.
WARNING! Risk of damage to persons and property!
Strong swing-out of the equipment in curves can result in severe injury and
property damage!
When turning, drive slowly through the curve and watch for obstacles.
WARNING! Risk of damage to persons and property!
Loose and improperly secured parts can result in severe injury and property
Prior to each transport and after breaks check that all parts are firmly and
securely seated.
: 5.14 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerzeil e ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1
Pos : 5.15 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Trans port, Lagerung und Ver pac kung/1.1 Abkuppeln, Abstellen Ti tel @ 8\mod_1141476595607_1.doc @ 73475