Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
2.3 Possible misuse
Pos : 2.10 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/M öglicher Miss brauch AH K EU Böc ker ( 00985) @ 10\mod_1147358349645_1.doc @ 98429
WARNING! Danger to life!
Misoperation and abuse can cause life-threatening injuries. The following uses
of the device are prohibited:
for transporting people
for transporting explosive, corrosive, or toxic hazardous substances
in potentially hazardous environments
without support
as a ladder
as a platform
to break loads loose
for bungee jumping
If after the load limitation device has tripped, lifting the load with the winch is no longer
do not
attempt to move a larger load with other crane functions such as "Raise
telescoping arm" or "Extend telescoping arm".
Pos : 2.11 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Einsatzbedingungen AHK EU Böc ker (0985) @ 10\mod_1147358719531_1.doc @ 98436
2.4 Implementation Conditions
The mobile crane is suitable for use in a temperature range of -10°C - 40ºC.
It must be stored in a temperature range from -20°C – 60°C.
Do not implement and setup the device if wind force 6 (45 km/h) conditions are
The load capacity of the substrate must be at least 0,3 N/mm² when using the supplied
outrigger pads, see "Technical Data".
The device can also be implemented in enclosed areas, if an outside discharge conduit
can be guaranteed for the exhaust gas.
Do not operate the device in a potentially explosive environment!
Use permitted only if there is sufficient illumination and sight.
Pos : 2.12 /FI/Sic her hei t/1.1 Ar bei tssic her heit UNIVER SAL ( Ger ät) @ 2\mod1583_1.doc @ 2897