Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
10.6 Verification of Theoretical Service Life
Pos : 10.39 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Wartung/Ü berpr üfung der theor. N utz ungs dauer EU AH K Böc ker ( 00985) @ 10\mod_1147688319066_1.doc @ 99165
Operating hours are recorded by the operating hour meter. The operating hour meter is
mounted in the switch box.
The owner of the mobile crane is responsible for recording and documenting the operating
Enter the actual operating hours in the inspection log for the annual inspection.
The actual operating hours "S" must be compared with the theoretic service life "D".
If the hour value of actual operating hours is greater than or equal to the theoretic operating
hours then a general overhaul of the winch must be executed.
A general overhaul of the load winch must be executed 10 years after commissioning at the
latest. For this the complete winch must be replaced.
Only the manufacturer can perform the overhaul of the winch!
Enter the executed general overhaul in the inspection book.
Pos : 10.40 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerzeil e ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 10.41 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Wartung/D okumentati on der Wartung AHK Böc ker @ 26\mod_1166707617775_1.doc @ 287315
10.7 Maintenance documentation
All completed maintenance and inspection tasks, as well as all safety-relevant tests must be
documented in a notebook.
Pos : 10.42 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerzeil e ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 10.43 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Wartung/1.1 Betriebs- und Sc hmi erstoffe Titel @ 8\mod_1141316989755_1.doc @ 72622