Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
Fault code table:
Oil-related fault
Generator or pickup defective. CAUTION! Certain generators only
produce pulses at a higher speed and after excitation.
Temperature-related fault
Overspeed fault. In pump mode, the system detects an overspeed fault
as soon as the entered generator frequency is exceeded. The engine is
then shut down.
The generator switching speed is not reached.
The additional engine monitoring system is disabled.
Auxiliary fault
All attempts to start the engine have failed.
A generator fault occurred during the repeated start attempts.
The generator received pulses prior to the start.
Pos : 11.10 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerzeil e ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 11.11 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Stör ung/1.1 N otbetätigung Titel @ 10\mod_1146740578401_1.doc @ 96879
11.4 Emergency Activation
Pos : 11.12 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Stör ung/Allgemei nes Notbetätigung AHK EU Böc ker @ 12\mod_1152116255642_1.doc @ 130281
A failure of the drive motor or the hydraulic pump, a fault in the hydraulic system or in the
electrical system can make normal crane operation impossible via the remote control. The
mobile crane is equipped with an emergency activation device so that the operator is capable
at all times of bringing the crane into transport position from any work position. This
emergency activation device enables traverse of work movements either electrically-
hydraulically or only hydraulically, depending on the fault. Only use emergency activation
exclusively to retract crane components.
Pos : 11.13 /FI/(---------- 1 Leerzeil e ----------) @ 0\mod796_1.doc @ 1527
Pos : 11.14 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Stör ung/1.1.1 N otbetätig ung Kranbetri eb Titel @ 10\mod_1146740713924_1.doc @ 96900