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SmartTouch Touchscreen Control for Model BX-14 & CNVX-14



Select the SHELF COOKING key.

Figure 23 


Select which shelves you intend to place the selected
food item on. Press selected item icon in the upper
right corner of the screen to add different items that
share the same cook temperature but may have dif-
ferent cook times.

Once preheated, start icons will appear. You can
choose start all or start individual shelves.

Figure 24 


During the cook cycle, individual shelf cook timers will
count down as the product is cooked. If you wish to
cancel the bake, you can press the STOP ALL key, or
you can stop individual shelves.

To add time, 1 MIN key for individual shelves
or +1 MIN ALL key to add time to all shelves. Each
time the key is pressed, 1 minute of cook time is add-

Press STOP again to reset to the original values.
CLEAR ALL to clear all products from all shelves. All
Shelves must be cleared to escape the screen.

Once the bake is complete the beeper will sound.

Figure 25 


Содержание BCX-14G

Страница 1: ...BCX14G AND BX14G COMBINATION OVEN STEAMER TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL BLODGETT COMBI www blodgett com Lakeside Avenue Burlington Vermont 05402 USA a Tel 80 8 D 802 PN 52051 Rev B 12 15 2010 COMBI 1 ...

Страница 2: ...gnition Module Operation 68 79 Variable Frequency Drive Operation VFD 80 85 Hitachi Inverter Error Codes 86 93 BCX14G Hot Air Flow Chart from Jan 2007 to Sept 2010 94 BCX14G Steam Flow Chart from Jan 2007 to Sept 2010 95 BCX14G Combi Flow Chart from Jan 2007 to Sept 2010 96 BCX14G Door Switch Troubleshooting from Jan 2007 to Sept 2010 97 BCX14G Float Switch Troubleshooting from Jan 2007 to Sept 20...

Страница 3: ...tored Fault Codes for 50816 Inverter Drive 111 BX BCX Man Control L100 Parameters for 50816 Inverter Drive 110 Notes 109 Symbol Description Diagram 108 BCX14G Troubleshooting Test Points 105 107 Original Manual Control Logic Boar 104 Original Manual Control Relay Board 103 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 ...

Страница 4: ...c 12 STEAM ON DEMAND LAMP steam on demand is activat 13 LIGHTS SWITCH used to on and off 14 CAVITY VENT SWITCH us close vent to release steam 15 FAN SPEED SWITCH use speed 16 PROBE CONNECTION us the core temperature probe 17 FILL LAMP illuminated u gen erator is filled with wate NOTE Model BX 14 ovens d fill lamp 18 DELIME LAMP BCX 14 Flashes when steam gene is needed Remains steady pro cess is ac...

Страница 5: ...cook duct enter the desired can clear the dis STOP KEY 8 begin the timer mode can be al cooking process LEAR STOP KEY 0 00 the buzzer STOP KEY 8 to the product 5 9 PROBE COOKING 1 Press the TIMER PROB the probe mode The P the dis play lights 2 Use the ARROW KEYS desired final cook te display You can clea pressing the CLEAR ST 3 Insert the core probe int product into the oven and sure that the term...

Страница 6: ed at any time D Kick start large loads such as 2 available in ens By starting large loads wit of steam you help the oven reco cooking time by more than 10 me with the D Bake bagels without boiling By 0 gels with 1 to 2 minutes of D SWITCH 11 achieve a beautiful crust P 12 lights D Cream caramel is great at 230_F Combi mode using 2 minutes steam 11 D When cooking chicken wings oven in the Combi...

Страница 7: ...nd Hold for 5 seconds and release 4 Press and hold for 5 seconds and release 5 Toggle until 2 X X X is displayed Where X X X are any number 6 Press and release PROBE LED will begin to Flash 7 Toggle or until Screed displays P 2 0 7 8 Press and release TIMER LED will begin to flash 9 Press until Screen displays P 3 X X where X X are any number 10 Press and release PROBE LED will begin to flash 11 T...

Страница 8: ...ƚĞƐ ŽƉĞŶ Žƌ ƐŚŽƌƚĞĚ ŵĞĂƚ ƉƌŽďĞ ĨͿ ŝƚ ŝƐ ƉůƵŐŐĞĚ ŝŶ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ƚŝŵĞ ĐŚĞĐŬ ƚŽ ƐĞĞ ŝĨ ƚŚĞ ŵĞĂƚ ƉƌŽďĞ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ ĂĐƚŝǀĂƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƵƚ Ă ŵĞĂƚ ƉƌŽďĞ ŝŶ ũĂĐŬ DĞĂƚ ƉƌŽďĞ ŝƐ ϭ ĐŚĞĐŬ ĨŽƌ ŽŚŵ Ɛ Λ ϳϱΣ с ϭϬϵϬё dŚĞ ƚŽƉ ƚǁŽ ƚĞƌŵŝŶĂůƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ďĂĐŬ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞ ĐŽŶƚƌŽů ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ĐĂǀŝƚLJ ƉƌŽďĞ ůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ďŽƚƚŽŵ ƚǁŽ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŵĞĂƚ ƉƌŽďĞ ƚĞƌŵŝŶĂů ƌƌŽƌ ŽĚĞƐ Jan 2007 to Sept 2010 DĂŶƵĂů ŽŶƚƌŽů t DĞĂƚ WƌŽďĞ 8 ...

Страница 9: ... on the Relay Board which allows both floats to fill until satisfied The Boiler fill enable signal continues for 1 minute Step 6 Now the Boiler sits to allow the chemical to work and LED 11 is still flashing The boiler sits for 30 minutes until the next step Step 7 the Drain Output LED 14 is enabled next and LED D101 on the relay board indicates the Drain output is switched to Open The drain will ...

Страница 10: ...on demand is activat 11 STEAM ON DEMAND KNO duration for steam on dema 12 LIGHTS KEY press to lights on and off 13 FAN SPEED KEY used to se 14 CAVITY VENT KEY use close vent to release steam 15 DELIME LAMP BCX 14 Flashes when steam gene is needed Remains steady pro cess is active 16 FILL LAMP illuminated u gen erator is filled with wate NOTE Model BX 14 ovens d fill lamp 17 PROBE CONNECTION us the...

Страница 11: ...d the cook duct e desired cook can clear the nter clockwise n mode can be al ooking process 0 00 the buzzer e TIMER PROBE e to silence the PROBE COOKING 1 Press the TIMER PRO select the probe set PROBE SET POINT LED 2 Rotate the knob to ente cook temperature in the 3 Insert the core probe int product into the oven and sure that the terminal end outside of the oven and cl 4 Connect the core probe t...

Страница 12: ...n and let us know of an D Add a minute or two at the be bak ing bread for a shiny crus D Kick start large loads such chick ens By starting large lo minutes of steam you help th and cut the cooking time by mo D Bake bagels without boilin raw ba gels with 1 to 2 min you can achieve a beautiful c D Cream caramel is great at 230_F Combi mode using 2 minutes steam D When cooking chicken wings oven in t...

Страница 13: ...tics Press the Dial to Enter D 01 Is Displayed Cavity Heat Relay Press the Dial to Enter Turn Dial CW to ON Turn Dial CCW to OFF Press the Dial to EXIT CONTINUE FOLLOW STEPS ABOVE Scroll the Dial to D 02 Boiler Heat Relay D 03 Water High Level Switch Status D 04 Water Low Level Switch Status D 05 Drain Relay D 06 Fill Relay D 07 Steam Relay D 08 Quench Relay D 09 Motor Reversals Relay Gently D 10 ...

Страница 14: ...robe Temperature D 24 Quench Probe Temperature D 25 Core Probe Temperature D 26 Boiler Tank Temperature D 27 Main Switch D 28 Fan Feedback Input D 29 Cook Done relay D 30 Vent relay D 33 Cool Fan Relay D 34 Hot Air relay D 35 Hot Air Enable Relay D 37 All Relays D 38 Display and LED Test END End Of Diagnostic Test Press Dial to Exit 9 HHGEDFN VWDWXV RW DLU KLJK OLPLW VZLWFK RLOHU KLJK OLPLW VZLWFK...

Страница 15: ... Turn Dial to F Press the Dial to Retune Turn Dial to P 02 CONTINUE FOLLOW STEPS ABOVE P Set To P 02 Cool Down Temp 100F P 03 Ready Beep ON P 04 Fan Reverse Time 6 00 P 05 Cook Done Beeper Yes P 06 Delime Interval 30 Hours P 07 Flush Interval 24 Hours P 08 Appliance Type Gas P 09 Machine Type BCX BX P 10 Max Steam On Demand 20 P 11 Min Hot Air Set Point 140F P 12 Max Hot Air Set Point 500 P 13 Min...

Страница 16: ... Yes P 29 SCK Address 30 P 31 ACT Oven Temp Display No P 32 Remote Beeper Yes Press Dial to Exit Scroll to END Press Dial to Exit End Of Factory Programming 3 6HWEDFN WLPH 3 6HWEDFN 7HPS 3 6HWEDFN 7HPS HOWD 3 RZQORDG DFWRU 6HWWLQJV URP 6 3 8SORDG IDFWRU 6HWWLQJV WR 6 3 DYLW KLJK OLPLW 3 RLOHU KLJK OLPLW 3 RRO IDQ KLJK OLPLW 3 RRN FRRO IDQ VHW WHPS 3 GOH FRRN IDQ VHW WHPS 3 9GF LQSXW GHWHFWLRQ 1R 3...

Страница 17: ...r Filling Overfill Water at High Level 90 sec 0 300 range High Level 10 sec 0 300 range 10 Rinse 1 3 Empty Rinse 1 3 Fill Overfill for 10 sec 90 sec 0 300 range Water at High Level 10 sec 0 300 range 11 Rinse 2 3 Empty Rinse 2 3 Fill 90 sec 0 300 range Water at High Level 12 Heating up 140 F 32 250 Setpoint 13 Boiling for 2 min Pause 120 sec 0 300 range 30 sec 0 300 range 14 Rinse 3 3 Empty Rinse ...

Страница 18: ... ͲϬϱ ͲϬϲ ͲϬϳ ͲϬϴ ͲϬϵ ͲϭϬ Ͳϭϭ ͲϭϮ Ͳϭϯ Ͳϭϰ ĂǀŝƚLJ WƌŽďĞ ŽƉĞŶ ƐŚŽƌƚĞĚ ŽŝůĞƌ WƌŽďĞ ŽƉĞŶ ƐŚŽƌƚĞĚ ŝŐŚ ůŽĂƚ ƐǁŝƚĐŚ Žǁ ůŽĂƚ ƐǁŝƚĐŚ ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ƌƌŽƌ ŽŽůŝŶŐ ĂŶ WƌŽďĞ ƌƌŽƌ ĞůŝŵĞ ĂǀŝƚLJ ŝ ŝŵŝƚ ŽŝůĞƌ KǀĞƌͲƚĞŵƉ YƵĞŶĐŚ WƌŽďĞ ƌƌŽƌ ŝůů sĂůǀĞ ƌƌŽƌ DŽƚŽƌ DĞĂƚ WƌŽďĞ ůƵƐŚ PPMJOH BO 1SPCF J JNJU PU JS JNJU 4XJUDI SSPS P FBU SSPS PJMFS J JNJU 4XJUDI SSPS 18 ...

Страница 19: ...ramming 19 MAINTENANCE KEY press to enter manager programming and save programmed settings 20 ALPHA NUMERIC KEYPAD used to program recipes 21 POWER KEY used to place control in and out of standby mode 22 CORE PROBE CONNECTION plug core tem perature probe in here when using probe cooking Operation MenuSelect Control for Models BCX 14 and BX 14 START STOP KEY press to start cancel or COOL DOWN KEY i...

Страница 20: ...rature degree incre o set time in rements use ad key combi ected rotate eric keypad e of steam ture limit of ADY IDLE uct 6 Press the START STOP KEY bake cycle The timer counts display alternates between mode and the name of the pr PROGRAMMED COOKING 1 Turn the DIAL 1 until the product is highlighted Pres the dial to select The oven programmed temperature cooking mode The display f IDLE and the al...

Страница 21: ...lay counts up he product has the core probe hen ready The cavity re mperature The Disconnect the e product when retherm modes r a timed period nd of the timed to the original can be used at e AND KEY 12 lpha numeric key m on demand time Press the center o initiate Steam on Deman NOTE Steam on Demand minute increment set time in less th ments use the alp 3 The Steam on Demand the steam time has exp...

Страница 22: ... ey to insert e the keypad y once if you he key twice times for the er the letter L mes With SAVE to save the Programming a Product Recipe NOTE The control can hold 99 rec ipe may have up to 6 cook 1 Turn the dial to highlight th prod uct to be programm center of the dial to select t 2 The display reads PRODUCT N Press the center of the dial to s 3 Rotate the dial or use the alp pad to enter the d...

Страница 23: ... test Component Function Test Temp Heat Combi Fan Speed Gentle Fwd Fan Fan Speed Low Fwd Prog Fan Speed High Fwd Forward 1 Fan Speed Turbo Fwd 4 Fan Speed High Rev 7 Light Light Spritzer ESC Cooling Fan 2 Vent 5 Hot Air 8 Hot Air Enable 0 Quench Hot Air Delime Probe Heat Boiler Vent Fill Maint Drain Press the Dial to Exit Scroll to Diag Input Press the Dial to Enter Press and hold buttons to test ...

Страница 24: in the ON position Press the Maint Key Scroll to Factory Program Press the Dial to Enter Enter the Factory Code 3228 Press the Dial to Enter Scroll to Appliance Type Press the Dial to Enter Turn Dial to set Gas or Electric Press the Dial to Enter Scroll to Cavity Probe Offset Press the Dial to Enter Turn the Dial to Set the Offset Press the Dial to Enter Scroll to Core Probe Offset Press the Di...

Страница 25: ...ĂƐŚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ KDD ZZKZ KDD ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĨůĂƐŚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ s dz WZK s dz WZK ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ s dz d DW s dz d DW ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ K Z d DW K Z d DW ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ K Z WZK K Z WZK ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ t d Z s t d Z s ZZKZ ĂŶĚ ĐĂůů ĨŽƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ZZKZ ʹ t d Z s t d D ZZKZ ĂŶĚ t d Z s t d ĐĐĞƐƐ ŽĚĞƐ ĂĐƚŽƌLJ ϯϮϮϴ ĞƌǀŝĐĞ ϳϯ...

Страница 26: ...PLAY displays information related to oven func tion and or programming 2 CORE PROBE CONNECTION plug core tempera ture probe in here when using probe cooking 3 USB Port and COVER Use to transfer recipes and data to from the control 4 HEAT CUTOFF used to turn gas on or off HV 100G only 5 CIRCUIT BREAKER Used to turn power to the unit on or off 26 ...

Страница 27: ...Operation SmartTouch Touchscreen Control for Model BX 14 BX 14 CNVX 14 MANUAL MODE COOKING 1 Select the POWER button to turn on the oven and proceed to the manual screen Figure 17 27 ...

Страница 28: ...ypad provided Press SAVE EXIT to return to the manual cook screen Steam on Demand BX 14 only Press the Steam On Demand key and enter the desired time period of 100 humidity Press SAVE EXIT to return to the manual cook screen The steam on demand timer will VWDUW DQG WKH LFRQ ZLOO ÀDVK EOXH ZKLOH DFWLYH 7R VWRS the timer hit the icon and press CLEAR then SAVE EXIT Fan Speed With the FAN icon highlig...

Страница 29: ...e pre pro grammed menu items Figure 19 3 Push the SELECT ITEM key in the top right corner of the screen BX 14 screen shown Figure 20 4 Select the desired food category for your product Figure 21 5 Within the food category select the desired product you wish to cook Figure 22 6 Once selected the control returns to the Menu Cook ing screen Press the START KEY to begin the cook cycle 29 ...

Страница 30: ... start all or start individual shelves Figure 24 3 During the cook cycle individual shelf cook timers will count down as the product is cooked If you wish to cancel the bake you can press the STOP ALL key or you can stop individual shelves To add time select 1 MIN key for individual shelves or 1 MIN ALL key to add time to all shelves Each time the key is pressed 1 minute of cook time is add ed Pre...

Страница 31: the menu mode Figure 26 2 Select the EDIT ITEMS icon to edit the menu items Figure 27 3 To edit an existing item select the item while the EDIT ITEMS key is highlighted To delete an Item select the item while the DELETE key is highlighted To create a new item select the NEW icon while the EDIT key is highlighted Figure 28 31 ...

Страница 32: ... appear for you to input your value To add a step press the key icon To edit a step press the arrow keys on the bottom left hand corner of the screen to highlight the step you wish to edit Follow the instructions above to edit the settings To delete a step use the arrow keys on the bottom left hand corner of the screen to highlight the step you wish to delete Press the red X icon to delete the hig...

Страница 33: ...Figure 31 3 To edit an existing category select the category while the EDIT key is highlighted To delete a category select the category while the DELETE key is highlighted To create a new category select the NEW icon while the EDIT key is highlighted Figure 32 4 Select what you would like to edit To edit the name press the EDIT NAME key A key board will appear enter the desired name and press ENTE...

Страница 34: ...more icon options press the arrow key Once the category icon is selected the category edit screen is displayed Press the DISK icon to save your changes Figure 34 6 To edit items within a category press the SELECT ITEMS key on the edit category screen Select the items you would like to appear within the category When complete press ESC key to return to the previous menu Press the DISK icon to save ...

Страница 35: ...ire a different setting within a step To edit a setting within a particular step press the icon for that setting A keypad will appear for you to input your value To add a step press the key icon To edit a step press the arrow keys on the bottom left hand corner of the screen to highlight the step you wish to edit Follow the instructions above to edit the settings To delete a step use the arrow key...

Страница 36: ...e GHVLUHG QDPH 3UHVV 17 5 ZKHQ QLVKHG WR UHWXUQ to the previous screen 5 3UHVV 6 7 7 06 6HOHFW LWHPV WR EH OHG LQ WKH new category Items will be highlighted as they are selected Press ESC key to return to the previous screen The disk will be displayed press to save your changes 6 To display the category it must be added to the de fault menu as follows Press the EDIT MENUS key Select the DEFAULT ke...

Страница 37: ...the TOOLS key Enter the code 6647 on the keypad Figure 39 3 Press the MANAGE MENU DATA key Insert the USB drive into the Intelliport To Store Menu Data to a USB 1 Press the STORE MENU DATA to USB key to trans fer recipes to the USB Figure 40 2 The keyboard screen is displayed Use to enter de VLUHG OH QDPH 3UHVV WKH 17 5 NH ZKHQ QLVKHG Figure 41 37 ...

Страница 38: ...en To Retrieve Menu Data from USB 1 Press the GET MENU DATA from USB key to transfer recipes from the USB Figure 43 2 7KH FRQWURO GLVSOD V DOO PHQX 018 OHV RQ WKH 86 GULYH 6HOHFW WKH GHVLUHG OH Figure 44 3 The overwrite warning screen appears Press YES to continue Figure 45 4 The status screen appears to display the upload sta tus The display returns to the previous screen when upload is complete ...

Страница 39: ... icon Figure 46 2 The oven will toggle between cooling and open door in yellow until the oven is cool Once cool the oven will go to standby NOTE If the oven is shut down with the circuit breaker switch at the bottom of the front panel the display will return to the power screen Select your option to begin Figure 47 39 ...

Страница 40: is the next screen This gives you some information from your I O board about the number of cycles that have been recorded from certain components Press the ESC icon to back out of this screen and go back to screen 3 1 2 3 4 NOTE 1 This icon will set date and time 2 This icon will set temp readings either in Fahrenheit or Celsius 3 This icon will put the control either in English or French 4 Thi...

Страница 41: ...been recorded from certain components Press the ESC icon to back out of this screen and go back to screen 3 Screen Shot 7 Press the Test digital outputs button This is the next screen This gives you the ability to selectively operate certain components Screen Shot 8 Press the ESC icon to back out of this screen and go back to screen 3 41 ...

Страница 42: ... other outputs button This is the next screen This gives you the ability to selectively operate certain components Press the Monitor Inputs button This is the next screen This gives you the ability to see the inputs from the I O board C i u 0 r J Q Q l 2 Ol 5 C 0 0 _ E 0 l u i c 0 ro Ol 0 te IL ci C OJ 0 ti ti 2 OJ I I I LOJ r I C l Q 0 l JI 2 0 2 Ol 5 C 0 0 0 _ E 0 u 0 l Ol c ro 0 IL ci C OJ 0 ti...

Страница 43: ...avity and core probe temps As well as cavity and core probe offsets Options In this menu you can edit pass codes and edit menu keys Also add or hide icons Reload Default Menu DO NOT TOUCH Press the arrow icon to move to the next screen Manage Menu Data In this menu you can get or store menu data from to USB Manage Settings In this menu you can get or store settings data from to USB Screen Shot 1 P...

Страница 44: ...set or change the cook time 8 START KEY press to start the cook cycle 9 VENT KEY press to manually open and close the vent 10 1 MINUTE KEY press at any time to add additional minute to the cook time 11 PROBE KEY press to use core probe cooking 12 FAN KEY used to select fan speed 13 STEAM ON DEMAND KEY press to add 100 hu midity at any time during the cook cycle 14 LIGHTS KEY press to turn the oven...

Страница 45: ...e the alarm beeps and the display reads DONE Press any key to si lence alarm Select CANCEL using the right display key to exit the cook cycle 7 Remove the product from the oven MANUAL CORE PROBE COOKING 1 Press the HUMIDITY MODE KEY 4 Turn the dial until desired cooking mode is displayed Choose from Steam Combi Hot Air or Retherm NOTE Not applicable for CNVX For Combi and Retherm set the desired h...

Страница 46: ...cle The timer counts down NOTE See page 21 for adjustments that can be made during any cook cycle 4 When the cook cycle is complete the alarm beeps and the display reads DONE Press any key to si lence alarm Select CANCEL using the right display key to exit the cook cycle 5 Remove the product from the oven COOK CYCLE ADJUSTMENTS The following adjustments can be made at any time dur ing the cook cyc...

Страница 47: ... in the upper left corner of the screen Rotate the knob to highlight the word HOLD Select EDIT using the left dis play key to toggle between YES and NO 6 To add a cooking step select ADD using the right dis SOD NH 7KH UVW VWHS LV FRSLHG 5HSHDW WR VHW parameters for the new step 7 To delete any step rotate the knob to highlight the step Select DEL RECIPE using the right display key 8 To save the re...

Страница 48: ...fter pressing the TOOLS button the screen above is next Turn the silver knob to move the cursor to FACTORY and press O K 4 Enter the factory code of 3228 and press O K New Manual Control Factory and Service Codes 5 Move the silver knob to what you want to check or change and press O K Press ESC to return to the tools menu 48 ...

Страница 49: of 7378 and press O K 8 Rotate the knob to IO BOARD TEST and press O K 9 Press the OUTPUTS icon 10 This screen shows all the outputs that can be activated indivigully 11 To select one just press on the screen at the icon displayed The selection will turn a different color Make sure that all are turned off before exiting the service mode 49 ...

Страница 50: ...mming 2 USB Port and COVER Use to transfer recipes and data to from the control 3 HEAT CUTOFF used to turn heat source off 4 CIRCUIT BREAKER Provides circuit protection for the oven controls DO NOT use as a power switch 5 CORE PROBE CONNECTION plug core tempera ture probe in here when using probe cooking Operation from Aug 2017 to Present 50 ...

Страница 51: ...e vent can be opened or closed by toggling the VENT icon at any point during the cook cycle Fan Delay Press the fan delay icon Use the pro vided keypad to enter a fan delay increment Press ENTER to save Fan Reversal Interval To adjust the fan reversal time press the FAN REVERSAL icon Enter the de sired reversal interval on the keypad provided Press ENTER to save Lights At any time the lights can b...

Страница 52: ...mperature Time Humidity Fan Speed Lights Core Probe Cooking Steam on Demand Fan Reversal Increment Vent Position Add a minute Flyout Menu Actual Temp Fan Delay Vent Closed Vent Open Core Probe Screen BCX shown Mode Selection BCX shown BCX shown BCX shown 52 ...

Страница 53: ...rol MENU MODE Create a New Recipe 1 From the mode selection screen select MENU Figure 15 2 Press NEW RECIPE Figure 16 3 The NEW RECIPE screen is displayed Press the camera icon Figure 17 4 Select an icon to represent the recipe Figure 18 53 ...

Страница 54: ...20 8 QWHU SDUDPHWHUV IRU WKH UVW FRRNLQJ VWHS 3UHVV WKH icon above each parameter to adjust settings Press the to add a step Press the X to delete the current step Cooking mode and humidity BCX and BX only Figure 21 9 Once all steps have been entered press the DISK ICON to save the recipe Edit an Existing Recipe 1 From the mode selection screen select MENU 2 Press and hold the icon for the recipe ...

Страница 55: ...t MENU Figure 23 2 Press NEW CATEGORY Figure 24 3 Press the camera to select an icon to represent the group 4 Press the NEW CATEGORY text Use the keypad provided to enter a category name Press the DISK ICON to save Figure 25 5 Select the recipes to include in the category Press DONE to save Figure 26 55 ...

Страница 56: ...the recipe Figure 27 3 The control enters the Menu Cooking screen Press the START KEY to begin the cook cycle NOTE START will not be displayed until the oven has reached the programmed set tempera ture NOTE If the oven is preheating or cooling down the fan speed will automatically run in high until the oven reaches the set temperature NOTE To edit a cooking step press and hold the step before star...

Страница 57: ...ou may also select an icon to represent the group 4 Enter desired cooking parameters Select Icon Edit Name Edit Parameters Figure 31 5 Select the repices you would like to place in the group Only recipes with parameters matching the group may be selected Figure 32 6 Press SAVE RECIPES TO GROUP Edit Existing Group 1 From the mode selection screen select RACK TIM ING 2 Press and hold the icon for th...

Страница 58: ...own the fan speed will automatically run in high until the oven reaches the set temperature 5 To add time select 1 MIN key for individual racks or 1 MIN ALL key to add time to all racks Each time the key is pressed 1 minute of cook time is added During the cook cycle individual rack timers will count down as the product is cooked If you wish to cancel the bake you can press the STOP ALL key or you...

Страница 59: ...SB INTERFACE To Access the USB Drive 1 From the mode selection screen select USB Figure 37 2 Enter the code 6647 on the keypad provided Figure 38 3 The following menu is displayed Figure 39 4 Insert USB drive into USB port on the control panel 59 ...

Страница 60: ...WD XVLQJ WKH NH SDG provided Press the disk icon to save 127 2 127 XVH VSDFHV LQ WKH OHQDPH Figure 40 3 The status screen is displayed Press OK when the transfer is complete To Retrieve Menu Data from a USB NOTE The following procedure may be used to upload menu recipes and or icons from a USB 1 Select LOAD MENU FROM USB 2 6HOHFW WKH OH WR GRZQORDG WR WKH RYHQ Figure 41 3 The status screen is disp...

Страница 61: ...until the oven is cool NOTE If the oven is shut down with the circuit breaker switch at the bottom of the front panel the display will return to the power screen NOTE The vent will automatically open and the fan will run on high speed during cool down to assist in lowering the cavity temperature The fan and vent will disengage when the oven had cooled BCX shown Figure 43 61 ...

Страница 62: ...S TEMPERATURE UNITS F LANGUAGE ENGLISH SHOW COUNTERS FAULT LOG TEST DIGITAL OUTPUTS MONITOR INPUTS FLUSH DELI ME OPERATIONS 1 To access the SERVICE menu press the TOOLS icon on the display 2 Press the SERVICE icon on the display 3 Enter the service code 7378 and press ENTER 4 To test the I O board outputs press the TEST DIGITAL OUTPUTS icon New Touchscreen Control Factory and Service Codes 62 ...


Страница 64: ...9 To access the Factory settings press the FACTORY icon on the screen 10 Enter the factory code of 3228 and press the enter icon 11 This screen allows you to set and review the factory settings 64 ...

Страница 65: ...EŽƚĞƐ 65 ...

Страница 66: ...ed note the wire and refer to the diagram to find where the wire leads to find the short If all the V and V wires are replaced and the LED remains lit Operate the components of the unit using Diagnostic Output while watching the green LED Note when the LED goes out or dims and repress the button that caused it On the relay board as that button is pressed a Red LED will Light indicating the active ...

Страница 67: ...s at 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 24 degrees Celsius OHMS F C 1078 68 20 1090 75 24 1115 86 30 1195 125 50 1232 140 60 1310 175 80 1360 200 93 1386 212 100 1460 250 120 1575 300 150 1685 356 180 1758 392 200 1868 450 230 1978 500 260 This picture may not represent the actual probe For the BCX BX and CNVX there can be up to 5 very different looking Probes however they all ohm the same 67 ...

Страница 68: ...1 68 ...

Страница 69: ...nds 24v AC Out at PV and 15 000 Volts Out from Spark Terminal 3μA or greater at Sense 4 Spark output is ended and 24v AC is Output from MV Until Call for Heat Ends or Rectification is lost If Sense 4 Drops below 3μA PV and MV output is stopped the module waits 15 seconds and restarts Trial for Ignition Less than 3μA at Sense 4 for 50 Seconds Lockout LED Flashes 3 Code Pg 12 3μA or greater at Sense...

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Страница 76: ...9 y I i w II VA w ti m dul will non 76 ...

Страница 77: ...If during slngl c II fi r h t th modul r cycl tlm s It wlll lock out nd th LE wlll r m In on olld hi c n b c u d by hort on th MV circuit uch th II ht on th fr nt p n I orth MV ol nold w II I w volum pr ur 77 ...

Страница 78: ...11 If t r t n 4 th modul 100 nd th pll t r m lnln 78 ...

Страница 79: ... I for I nltlon th t I gr t r th modul locks out Th pow r must lockout Thi c n b u d by c ck d fl m n or b d n wl poor modul round bad p rk wl lmprop r sp rk p fall d PV ol nold dirty fl m n or pilot ur or II d I nltlon modul 79 ...

Страница 80: ...VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC Fan Speed Gentle Fan Speed Low Fan Speed High Fan Speed Turbo To Pin 3 24 VDC 0 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC 50 0 235 Volts AC 3Ø 2 7 Amps Forward Turbo Read from 24V DC to Pin 3 and from 24V DC to Pin 4 80 ...

Страница 81: ... VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC Fan Speed Gentle Fan Speed Low Fan Speed High Fan Speed Turbo To Pin 3 24 VDC 0 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC 40 0 215 Volts AC 3Ø 2 3 Amps Forward High Read from 24V DC to Pin 3 and from 24V DC to Pin 4 81 ...

Страница 82: ... VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC Fan Speed Gentle Fan Speed Low Fan Speed High Fan Speed Turbo To Pin 3 24 VDC 0 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC 30 0 190 Volts AC 3Ø 2 1 Amps Forward Low Read from 24V DC to Pin 3 and from 24V DC to Pin 4 82 ...

Страница 83: ...VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC Fan Speed Gentle Fan Speed Low Fan Speed High Fan Speed Turbo To Pin 3 24 VDC 0 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC To Pin 4 24 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 0 VDC 20 0 155 Volts AC 3Ø 1 9 Amps Forward Gentle Read from 24V DC to Pin 3 and from 24V DC to Pin 4 83 ...

Страница 84: ...50 0 235 Volts AC 3Ø 2 7 Amps Forward 84 ...

Страница 85: ...50 0 235 Volts AC 3Ø 2 7 Amps Reverse 85 ...

Страница 86: Error The DC bus voltage drops below the threshold E11 E22 CPU Error The CPU has malfunctioned E12 External Trip An external trip was triggered at terminal 5 E13 USP The Unattended Start Protection is enabled and an error occurred when a run signal is present E14 Ground Fault The inverter sensed a ground fault between the outputs and the motor during power up testing E15 Input over voltage The ...



Страница 89: ... Log FLT The last nine faults can be called up and shown in succession in the fault log FLT Select the FLT menu level Use the arrow buttons and to call the faults F1 F9 individually Every error message is stored with the time of the error occurrence under d day H hour and m minute The call is made with the OK button and the selection with the and arrow buttons The content of the error memory is cl...

Страница 90: temperature is above 248 F 120 C An excessive temperature warning is issued if the IGBT switch temperature goes above 230 F 110 C Make sure that there is an unobstructed flow of cooling air Check the ambient temperature Make sure that the switching frequency is not too high in relation to the ambient temperature and to the motor load 15 Motor stalled The motor blocking protection mechanism has ...

Страница 91: ...device indicated by the error message Check the cabling for the respective device as well 53 Fieldbus error The communication link between the master device and the drive s fieldbus has been interrupted Check the installation Further notes are provided in the manual of the optional fieldbus interface CANopen PROFIBUS DP and so on If the installation is okay contact your local representative 54 Fie...

Страница 92: ...l be XX XA Function 4 04 set to 0001 Motor Voltage Display When the display is set to show Motor Voltage the format will be XXXu Function 4 05 set to 0001 Bus Voltage Display When the display is set to show Bus Voltage the format will be XXXU Function 4 06 set to 0001 Low Voltage Trip Indicates that the AC line input voltage is below the Undervoltage Trip Point specified in Table 3 on page 15 Low ...

Страница 93: ... the frequency or the FWD REV Key is disabled for changing direction On Board Memory Error The On Board Memory on the Drive is not detected Memory Module Error The Memory Module is not detected Horsepower Code Error The program selected is not compatible with the Drive Program Revision Error The program selected is not compatible with the Drive Checksum Error The program selected is corrupt Progra...

Страница 94: ...4 Red J1 Connector IFB Cavity_OverTemp_H_AC o Conv_Heat_Ena_L o 24Acv_H o 24Vac_H 24Vac_Rtn_L Pwr_On U7 Ing_Mod Heat_Demand Active for standing Pilot Steam_Demand U8 Ing_Mod Delime T1 Transformer 24Vac_Rtn 6 J1 1 J1 4 J1 6 Input Amber LED 6 9 14 24Vdc_Rtn No Com Green Output LED 13 J4 2 J4 1 J1 7 J4 3 J4 4 J4 1 J4 6 J4 2 PV THS MV Sense PV THS MV Sense Main valve both burners P P 24Dcv 24Acv Old M...

Страница 95: ...itch Closed Logic Board J2 1 J1 1 BK J1 Connector IFB Boiler_OverTemp_H_AC o Boiler_Ena_L o 24Acv_H o 24Vac_H 24Vac_Rtn_L Pwr_On U9 Ing_Mod Heat_Demand Active for standing pilot Steam_Demand Delime T2 Transformer Boiler_Main_On_H_AC 24Vac_Rtn 6 J1 1 J1 4 J1 6 Input Amber LED 3 6 7 11 14 24Vdc_Rtn No Com Green Output LED 10 J4 6 J4 1 J1 12 J6 3 J6 4 J6 1 J6 5 J6 2 PV THS MV Sense Main Gas Valve P 2...

Страница 96: ...de_Sw 5 7 9 o o 6 J3 1 Heat_Demand_In_L J2 1 IFB Heat_Ena_L Cavity_OverTemp_H_AC o o 24Acv_H o 24Vac_H 24Vac_Rtn_L Pwr_On U7 Ing_Mod Heat_Demand Steam_Demand U8 Ing_Mod Delime J1 1 J1 4 J1 6 Input Amber LED 2 6 7 11 14 24Vdc_Rtn No Com Green Output LED 13 10 J4 6 J4 1 J4 2 J1 7 J1 12 J4 3 J4 4 J4 1 J4 6 J4 2 PV THS MV Sense PV THS MV Sense Main valve both burners P P 96 ...

Страница 97: ... Door_Sw_Rtn_L Door_Closed_H J1 1 BK J1 Connector Logic Board BK J5 Connector BR BL Output when door is closed Switch will be lighted Logic Board J1 Connector J1 1 BK 24Dcv_H TMR1 IFB 13 Y 10 Door_Closed_H Y 5 CR1 Y 10 A1 J2 Connector J5 3 J5 4 J5 5 J2 1 24Dcv 24Dcv 97 ...

Страница 98: ... 4 J8 5 J8 6 The Flats are normally closed and open when the boiler is full 24Dcv should always be applied to the float wires R 15 that activates the fill solenoid s relay at the IFB which applies a 24Dcv_Rtn_L to complete the power circuit for the water fill solenoid s till the float opens Troubleshooting the floats drain the boiler with the flush switch at the IFB and check both floats to verify...

Страница 99: ...tn_L 1 3 2 Mode_Sw 18 15 16 A2 A1 J1 J1 3 24Dvc_L J1 4 Door_Closed_H J2 J1 1 Inverter Drive CR1 GY 12 24Dcv_L 14 13 MOTOR ACV NEU 1 2 3 4 5 L J3 1 Motor_Fwd_Ena J3 2 Motor_Rev_Ena J3 3 Spd_Sel_0 J3 4 Spd_sel_1 J3 5 Drv_ SetSpd J3 7 Inv_Com 11 12 CM2 115Ac T1 T2 T3 I F B I F B 6 9 5 10 99 ...

Страница 100: ...ed position should always have 24Dcv_Rtn_L input along with the 24Dcv_H out put from the IFB J8 connector to the motorized drain valve The drain valve opens when the 24Dcv_H switches from J8 8 to J8 9 then it should switch back to close The drain valve will only open when the logic board sends an output signal to the IFB after oven is cold and 4 5 hours of non use or when the flush switch is activ...

Страница 101: ...ble J2 3 15 Boiler Fill Enable J2 3 16 Delime Solenoid J2 5 16 Delime Solenoid J2 5 17 Spare Output J3 5 17 Spare Output J3 5 HOT AIR MODE LED S STEAM MODE LED INDICATORS LED On INPUT LED On INPUT AMBER INPUT LED S AMBER INPUT LED S LED DESCRIPTION LED DESCRIPTION 1 Flush Disable above 140F J2 2 1 Flush Disable above 140F J2 2 2 Combi Mode J3 1 2 Combi Mode J3 1 3 Steam Mode J3 2 3 Steam Mode J3 2...

Страница 102: ...ble J2 3 15 Boiler Fill Enable J2 3 16 Delime Solenoid J2 5 16 Delime Solenoid J2 5 17 Spare Output J3 5 17 Spare Output J3 5 DRAIN VALVE OPEN LED S ACTIVE DELIME PUMP LED LED On INPUT LED On INPUT AMBER INPUT LED S AMBER INPUT LED S LED DESCRIPTION LED DESCRIPTION 1 Flush Disable above 140F J2 2 1 Flush Disable above 140F J2 2 2 Combi Mode J3 1 2 Combi Mode J3 1 3 Steam Mode J3 2 3 Steam Mode J3 ...

Страница 103: ...ed J2 1 24VDC Output J5 5 24VDC Input Trigger 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D31 D21 D11 D41 D51 D61 D9 D101 D81 D71 D8 2 2 Note The red momentary button next to D101 manually opens the drain D9 Quench Valve J8 7 24VDC Output J1 16 24VDC Input Trigger D101 Boiler Drain J8 8 0V J8 9 24VDC Output When the drain is closed J8 8 is 24VDC and J8 9 is 0V J1 15 24VDC Input Trigger D81 Fill Enable J8 6 J8 5 Outputs Fed b...

Страница 104: ...put to the Relay Board when the Low Water Signal is present LED 8 or the Heat Steam or Hot Air is Selected Amber LEDs glow to show Inputs LED 1 Flush Disable Combi Preheat J1 2 24VDC Input from Flush Disable T stat that opens at 158ȗF LED Off Flush Disabled LED 2 Combi Mode J3 1 24VDC Input from the Mode Switch SW1 that indicates the selection of Combi Mode LED 3 Steam Mode J3 2 24VDC Input from t...

Страница 105: ...Board BK 12 4 Motor Speed Inverter to Inverter Terminal 3 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 24 VDC BCX2 Logic Board GY 17 5 Motor Speed Inverter to Inverter Terminal 2 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 24 VDC BCX2 Logic Board GY 18 6 Motor Speed Inverter to Inverter Terminal 11 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 24 VDC BCX2 Logic Board GY 15 Hot Air Mode with Heat Light Active Components Testing Test Points Voltage AC Black lead R...

Страница 106: ...nector J4 1 V 6 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 24 VDC 3 BCX2 Logic Board J4 Connector J4 2 Y 1 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 24 VDC 4 BCX2 Logic Board J4 Connector J4 6 BL 2 J1 Connector J1 4 RD 1 Active 25 24 VDC 5 T1 Top Transformer Terminal 6 WH 2 Terminal 4 RD 2 24 VAC 6 IFB Relay Board J4 Connector J4 2 W 2 J4 Connector J4 1 RD 2 24 VAC 7 IFB Relay Board J4 Connector J4 2 W 2 J4 Connector J4 3 OR 22 24 VAC ...

Страница 107: ...Y 9 J8 Connector J8 1 RD 4 24 VDC Drain Valve Closed 3 IFB Relay Board J8 Connector J8 8 OR 17 J8 Connector J8 1 RD 4 0 VDC Drain Valve Closed 4 IFB Relay Board J8 Connector J8 8 OR 17 J8 Connector J8 1 RD 4 24 VDC Drain Valve Open 5 IFB Relay Board J8 Connector J8 9 Y 9 J8 Connector J8 1 RD 4 0 VDC Drain Valve Open Steam on Demand Troubleshooting Components Testing Test Points Voltage AC Black le...

Страница 108: ...R7 Steam On Demand Potentiometer RT1 Thermistor 5 Ohm 25C SW1 Mode Selector Switch SW2 Light Switch SW3 Vent Switch SW4 Cavity Boiler High Limit SW6 Heat Cut off Switch SW7 Flush Disable Switch SW8 Door Switch Proximity SW9 Convection Motor Rotary Switch SW10 Steam On Demand Switch SW11 Boiler Preheat Switch open 185 SW15 Cooling Fan Switch Close 110 SW16 Quench Thermostat Close 150 T1 Hot Air Tra...

Страница 109: ...EŽƚĞƐ 109 ...

Страница 110: ...until A 5 1 Ÿ once F 0 3 FUNC once FUNC once Ÿ once 0 1 Ÿ keep pushing until 1 2 0 STR to save A 5 1 STR to save F 0 3 Ÿ once A 5 2 Ÿ keep pushing until d 0 1 FUNC once FUNC Programming Complete 0 0 Ÿ push hold until 1 0 0 STR to save A 5 2 Motor Inverter Error Codes Ÿ twice A 5 4 E_01 Over current event while at constant speed FUNC once E_02 Over current event during deceleration Ÿ push hold unti...

Страница 111: ...event during deceleration E_03 Over current event during acceleration E_04 Over current event during other conditions E_05 Overload protection E_07 Over voltage protection E_08 EEPROM error E_09 Under voltage error E_11 CPU error E_22 CPU error E_12 External trip E_13 USP E_14 Groung Fault E_15 Input over voltage E_21 Inverter thermal trip E_35 Thermistor BX BCX Man Control Stored Fault Codes for ...

Страница 112: ...112 ...

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Страница 114: ...eep pans at 3 1 4 spacing Seven 18 x 26 deep pans at 3 1 4 spacing STANDARD FEATURES Five 5 stainless steel wire shelves per section capacity for 7 Hinged pressure panel for cleanability Halogen lights for superior cavity illumination Retractable hose reel excluding top sections Stacking kit and casters for double stack ovens Semi auto delime system Deliming bottle and pump assembly Pressure spray...

Страница 115: ...ollowing general guidelines TDS 40 125 ppm Hardness 35 100 ppm pH 7 0 8 5 Silica 13 ppm Chlorides 25 ppm Chlorine 0 2 ppm Chloramine 0 2 ppm The best defense against poor water quality is a water treatment system designed to meet your water quality conditions Blodgett offers optional systems from Optipure Pressure 40 min 50 max PSI Connections 2 drain connection max drain temperature 140 F 60 C 3 ...

Страница 116: ...g Seven 18 x 26 deep pans at 3 1 4 spacing STANDARD FEATURES Five 5 stainless steel wire shelves per section capacity for 7 Hinged pressure panel for cleanability Halogen lights for superior cavity illumination Retractable hose reel excluding top sections Stacking kit and casters for double stack ovens Semi auto delime system Deliming bottle and pump assembly Pressure spray bottle for oven cleanin...

Страница 117: ... 8 5 Silica 13 ppm Chlorides 25 ppm Chlorine 0 2 ppm Chloramine 0 2 ppm The best defense against poor water quality is a water treatment system designed to meet your water quality conditions Blodgett offers optional systems from Optipure Pressure 40 min 50 max PSI Connections 2 drain connection max drain temperature 140 F 60 C 3 4 garden hose cold water The drain piping must consist of temperature...
