3. Complete the login information fields.
4. Click
5. Click
6. If necessary, type the password to validate the email address.
7. Click
If you have additional integrated email addresses, you receive prompts to validate each email address.
About your BlackBerry Internet Service password
If you access your BlackBerry® Internet Service account automatically each time you open the email setup application or each time you visit
the BlackBerry Internet Service web site using a browser on your BlackBerry device, you do not have a password for your BlackBerry Internet
Service account.
If you log in to your BlackBerry Internet Service account using a user name and password, you can change your BlackBerry Internet Service
account password regularly. If you forget your password, from the login screen or login web page, you can request to have your password sent
to your BlackBerry device.
Change the password for your BlackBerry Internet Service account
Depending on your messaging service plan, this feature might not be supported.
You can only change the password for your BlackBerry® Internet Service account if you access your BlackBerry Internet Service account using
a user name and password.
From the email setup application on your device
In the email setup application, on the Email Accounts screen, press the
2. Click
Change Password
3. Complete the
Old password
4. Complete the
New password
field. The password must be 6 to 16 characters long, cannot contain accented characters, but can contain
uppercase and lowercase letters (a to z, A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), underscores (_), dashes (-), and periods (.).
5. Complete the
Confirm password
6. Click
From the browser on your device
On the BlackBerry Internet Service web site, on the Settings web page, click
Change Password
2. Complete the
New password
field. The password must be 6 to 16 characters long, cannot contain accented characters, but can contain
uppercase and lowercase letters (a to z, A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), underscores (_), dashes (-), and periods (.).
3. Complete the
Confirm password
4. Click
User Guide
Getting started