Possible value: None
Giga Switch(gvrp)# show config
GVRP state: Enable
Port Join Time Leave Time LeaveAll Time Applicant Registrar Restricted
---- --------- ---------- ------------- --------- --------- ----------
1 20 60 1000 Normal Normal Disable
2 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
3 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
4 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
5 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
6 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
7 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
8 25 80 2000 Normal Normal Disable
show counter
Syntax: show counter <port>
Description: Displays the port’s counter number.
Argument: <port>: port number
Possible value: <port>: available from 1 to 8
Giga Switch(gvrp)# show counter 2
GVRP Counter port: 2
Counter Name Received Transmitted
------------ -------- ------------
Total GVRP Packets 0 0
Invalid GVRP Packets 0 ----
LeaveAll message 0 0
JoinEmpty message 0 0
JoinIn message 0 0
LeaveEmpty message 0 0
Empty message 0 0
show group
Syntax: show group
Description: Shows the gvrp group.
Argument: None
24-Port 10/100BASE-TX L2 Managed PoE Switch with 2 SFP Dual Media Ports