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Show available commands
Show a list of previously run commands
Logout the system
save start
Save as start config
save user
Save as user config
restore default Restore default config
restore user
Restore user config
Syntax: history [#]
Description: Shows a list of previous commands that were run.
When you enter this command, the CLI shows a list of commands that you typed previously. The CLI supports
up to 256 records. If you don’t type in anything, the CLI lists up to 256 total records. If you do type in a number,
the CLI only shows the records’ last numbers.
Argument: [#]: show last number of history records. (optional)
Possible value: [#]: 1, 2, 3, …., 256
Giga Switch(ip)# history
Command history:
0. trunk
1. exit
2. Giga Switch# trunk
3. Giga Switch(trunk)# exit
4. Giga Switch#
5. ?
6. trunk
7. exit
8. alarm
9. events
10. end
11. ip
12. help
13. ip
14. history
CHAPTER 5: CLI Management