This returns the device to its unconfigured state.
A Request For Comments (RFC) is a document that describes the
standards and guidelines for the Internet.
See AES.
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a routing protocol. It is re-
stricted to small networks. See also OSPF.
RipeMD 160
RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest (RipeMD 160)
is a hash function that generates a 160 bit hash value (checksum).
See also Hash.
RJ45 refers to a jack or connector with a maximum of eight wires to
the digital terminals' connection.
With roaming, a client moves through a WLAN logging on and off at
different access points in the same network.
A router is a network component for connecting different types of
network at the network layer of the OSI model. Data packets are
transmitted using IP addresses. Routing tables are used to identify
the best routes through the network. In order to keep the routing
tables up to date, the routers exchange information via routing pro-
tocols (e.g. OSPF, RIP).
Router advertise-
Router advertisements are messages that the router sends to the
network. They announce the presence of the router in the network.
Router announcements are also used to issue prefixes, organise the
autoconfiguration and specify the standard router.
Routing refers to the identifying of routes for sending messages.
The RSA algorithm (named after its inventors, Rivest, Shamir and
Adleman) is used to create digital signatures and encrypt data pack-
ets. The signature can be used to verify changes made to the in-
formation in the data packet. RSA is used for public-key crypto-
graphy (IPSec). See also DSA. Key generation is slower with RSA
than with DSA, but key processing is faster.
The Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is used to transmit audio
and video data (streams) via IP-based networks.
RTS threshold
Once the number of frames in the data packet exceeds the RTS
threshold, a connection check (RTS/CTS handshake) is run before a
data packet is sent.
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec RS Series