Select the action to be applied to a filtered packet.
Possible values:
(default value): The packets are forwarded on the
basis of the entries.
: The packets are rejected.
: The packets are rejected. An error message is is-
sued to the sender of the packet.
Apply QoS
Only for Action =
Select whether you want to enable QoS for this policy with the
priority selected in Priority.
The function is enabled with
The option is deactivated by default.
If QoS is not activated for this policy, bear in mind that the data
cannot be prioritised on the sender side either.
A policy for which QoS has been enabled is also set for the fire-
wall. Make sure therefore that data traffic that has not been ex-
pressly authorised if blocked by the firewall!
Only for Action =
and Apply QoS =
Select the priority with which the data specified by the policy is
handled on the send side.
Possible values:
(default value): No priority.
0 7 0%(
: Low Latency Transmission (LTT), i.e. hand-
ling of data with the lowest possible latency, e.g. suitable for
VoIP data.
0 7
bintec elmeg GmbH
17 Firewall
bintec RS Series