The function is enabled by default.
Note the following exception: If Virtual Interface Priority
selected, the gateway with this priority certainly takes over the
master role, i.e. the setting in Pre-empt mode (go back into
master state) is ignored. You should therefore select a Virtual
Interface Priority lower than
if you wish to use Pre-
empt Mode.
Enable authentication
Enable or disable authentication.
The function is enabled with
If the function is active, an input field is displayed. Enter the au-
thentication key here.
Please note: Note that the authentication key must be the same
for all virtual routers in the group.
The function is disabled by default.
19.13.2 VR Synchronisation
The watchdog daemon is configured in the Local Services->BRRP->VR Synchronisation
menu, i.e. you define how state changes are handled.
After opening the menu Local Services->BRRP->VR Synchronisation a list of all syn-
chronisations is displayed. You can either synchronise virtual interfaces or interfaces. New
synchronisations can be added in the New menu.
For example, you can synchronise both virtual routers R1 and R2 over BRRP. To do this,
you must create two entries. For the first entry, as Monitoring VR / Interface R1 and as
Synchronisation VR / Interface you must use R2. For the second entry, as Monitoring
VR / Interface R2 and as Synchronisation VR / Interface you must use R1. New
Select the New button to create new synchronisations.
bintec elmeg GmbH
19 Local Services
bintec RS Series