This board makes it possible to obtain specific prints regarding the data present in the database of the PC. 15 different types of prints are available, which
can be selected from one numbered list, divided into three main groups as described below.
Prints relating to personal identification details
1 – Print of identification data of some persons
2 – Print of identification data of all persons
3 – Print of identification data of a group of persons
By selecting the types of print 1, 2 and 3, it is possible to obtain printing of the identification data relating to the persons managed by the access control sys-
In particular, print 1 can be used to choose the persons whose identification data are to be printed. Print 2 does not allow any personalisation and produces
prints of identification data of all the persons managed. Finally, print 3 can be used to restrict printing to the identification data solely relating to persons making
up a group; this type of printing thus requires manual selection of the group chosen.
Prints relating to access point configuration data
4 – Print of configuration of some access points
5 – Print of installation configuration
6 – Print of zone configuration
By selecting the types of print 4,5 and 6, it is possible to obtain printing of the configuration data relating to the access points managed by the access control
In particular, print 4 can be used to choose the access points, the configuration data of which are to be printed. Print 5 does not allow any personalisation
and produces prints of the configuration data of the entire installation, that is all the access points controlled. Finally, print 6 can be used to restrict printing to
the configuration data relating to the access points which make up a protected zone; this type of printing thus requires manual selection of a protected zone
from among those activated within a system.
Securbase Light is used to configure and activate a protected zone, therefore selection during the printing phase will be restricted to the activated zone only.
Securbase Plus, instead, is used to configure and activate multiple protected zones (up to a maximum of 8), therefore one zone must be compulsorily selected
during the printing phase.
Prints relating to the transits of persons through access points
7 – Print of transits of some persons through some access points
8 – Print of transits of all persons through some access points
9 – Print of transits of a group of persons through some access points
10 – Print of transits of some persons in the installation
11 – Print of transits of all persons in the installation
12 – Print of transits of a group of persons in the installation
13 – Print of transits of some persons in one zone
14 – Print of transits of all persons in one zone
15 – Print of transits of a group of persons in one zone
By selecting the types of print 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15, it is possible to obtain printing of the transits relating to one or more persons through one or
more access points of the access control system.
All the different types of print indiscriminately refer to transit detection through access points. However, each print restrict the search of transits within the
event database, allowing the selection of transits of one or more persons, all the persons or a group of persons, through one or more access points, all the
access points or a protected zone (which is a specific set of access points).
Print 7 is the most generic form of printing, since it allows the selection of the persons whose transits are shown, as well as the selection of the access
points which are to be taken into consideration.
This excepted, prints 7,8 and 9 refer to the search and display of all the transits through one or more adequately selected access points. Therefore, the
transits taken into consideration essentially refer to one or more access points, independently of the number of persons considered.
On the other hand, prints 10,11 and 12 refer to the search and display of all the transits occurred within the installation area, through any of its access
points. Therefore all the transits through all the access points are taken into account and, in this case, restricted to the selection of the persons concerned
by the transits. The selection ranges from one or more persons (print 10), to all persons (print 11) or a group of persons (print 12).
Print 11 therefore represents a particular generalised case, since it takes into account all the transits within the installation area.
Finally, prints 13,14 and 15 refer to the search and display of all the passages occurred within a determined protected zone. Therefore, search and print
restriction is referred to a limited number of access points, which are identified by the particular allocation zone. In this case, once the zone has been
selected, printing can be further personalised by specifying the persons concerned by the transits.
All the types of transit printing can be further personalised in terms of search limitation. In fact, the user can decide and set an interval of dates between
which transits are to be found. Moreover, a precise time band can also be selected, restricting the transit search to limited time periods, in this case within
the span of one day.
Finally, before activating the printing, it is possible to define the sorting form, which can be helpful when many data are to be printed and they require a
chronological or alphabetical order.
Logo modification:
it is possible to replace the logo shown at the top right on each page with a customised logo. In order to do so, name the image to be
displayed in “LOGO.JPG” and place it in the installation folder of SECURBASELP (usually “C:\PROGRAMMI\SECURBASELP”).
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