Carbon monoxide
Exhaust gasses contain carbon which is poiso
nous. Carbon monoxide can cause loss of con
science and lead to death. When starting the
engine, make sure the place you are is well-
ventilated. Never start the engine in a closed
Starting the engine closed places can be done
only if provided with relevant gas discharge
evacuation devices.
Petrol is extremely flammable and can be ex
plosive in some conditions.
Keep heat sources, sparks and flames away
from the work area.
Always work in a well-ventilated area.
Never use petrol as a solvent for cleaning. Do
not handle it unless absolutely necessary.
Never use petrol to clean components by me
ans of compressed air.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Motor oil
Motor oil can cause skin illnesses if carried of
ten and for prolonged periods in contact with
If you touch motor oil, clean parts with soap
and water as soon as possible.
In case of contact with the eyes, rinse them
abundantly with water and seek medical advi
If swallowed, do not induce vomiting in order
to avoid breathing the product into the lungs;
seek immediate medical advice. If you believe
the product has been breathed into the lungs,
bring the concerned person urgently to the ho
Used oil contains dangerous substances which
are harmful for the environment. When chan
ging it, you must be equipped to dispose of it
in compliance with existing law.
Avoid releasing used oils to the environment.
Keep out of the reach of children.
This publication has been written in order to make operations for inspection, maintenance and repairs
of the motorcycle engine known and understandable to the user of the motorcycle and to the technical
assistance operator.
Read this entire manual with care before operating the engine. Sufficient knowledge of the components
that make up the engine and of all the procedures to be followed for inspection and maintenance con
tribute to lengthen the life of the engine.
The paragraphs have been enhanced with schematic illustrations highlighting each subject in order to
make reading immediately understandable.
Informative note
Betamotor S.p.A.
is engaged in a policy of ongoing improvement of its products. This is why it could be
possible to note slight differences between the contents of this document and the vehicle upon which
you are carrying out repairs and/ or maintenance.
Betamotor S.p.A.
models are exported to numerous
countries in which there are different standards concerning Highways Codes and procedures for approval
of the vehicle. Relying on your understanding,
Betamotor S.p.A.
therefore deems it necessary to reserve
the right to modify its products and technical documentation at any time without prior warning.
We respect and defend the environment
All that we do has an impact on the whole Planet and its resources.
Betamotor S.p.A.
, wishing to
safeguard the interests of the entire Community, would like to make customers and technical opera
tors aware of ways of using the vehicle and of disposal of its parts in total compliance with standards
in force in terms of environmental pollution, waste disposal and recycling.