EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 61 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
13. Notes on the Integration of Various Bus Components
komfort detectors/komfort presence detectors
Such detectors can be integrated into the alarm central unit. For the "komfort detector" and the "komfort presence
detector", you can change the mode through an EIB object while the alarm central unit is in operation. Thus, you
can change the above-mentioned detectors into the alarm mode when arming individual areas so that you can
made a more insensitive and adjustable motion evaluation, independent of any light control. You should link the
changeover objects of the detectors (komfort detector: "mode"/komfort presence detector: "mode change") to the
"armed/disarmed state signal" of the arming area of the alarm central unit.
If you use the 'komfort detector' or the 'komfort presence detector' in configurations 2.X/3.X (nested) in the outer
shell you should note the following (configuration 2.1 example):
The mode changing EIB object must be linked to the group addresses of the "armed/disarmed state signal" EIB ob-
jects of AA 1 and AA 2 of the alarm central unit.
This is necessary to change the detector/presence detector installed in the outer shell to the alarm mode when arm-
ing area 2 ("externally armed") is being armed as, in this case, no arming/disarming signal will be generated in arm-
ing area 1.
Additional info display parameterization
In addition to the display of the "standard information" of the alarm central unit in the info display units (page func-
tion: "alarm central unit display"), you can create additional pages in the display (page function: "display"). This will
enable you to visualize information such as "armed/disarmed", "fault/no fault", "alarm/no alarm", etc., on such addi-
tional pages. For this purpose, you must additionally link the corresponding EIB objects of the alarm central unit to
the objects of the info display unit through the group addresses created.
You can also use the alarm function of the display units, for example, by linking to the alarm page the groups addi-
tionally created in the displays. In this case, the buzzer and/or the display background lighting will be activated when
an alarm value parameterizable in the ETS plug-in of the display units is being received. So, for example, additional
alarming can be effected by the info display units in the event of an alarm in the "disarmed after alarm" state (refer
to the documentation of the info display units).