EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 33 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
4.2 Alarm reset
The alarm central unit has an "alarm reset" ETS object (polarity: "1" = alarm reset/"0" = no response) through which alarms
and all fault signals can be reset and messages in the displays acknowledged. To be able to reset fault signals it is assumed
that the messages have been called into the display by the user (if any display units have been activated).
If, for example, arming devices have been tampered with, or the system can no longer be disarmed for any other
reasons, this alarm reset will be the only way to deactivate an alarm or to acknowledge signals. Also in configuration 1
(only "fire detector" and "attack detector"), you can only cancel an alarm by the alarm reset option. Therefore. it is
absolutely necessary that you set this in configuration 1.
For these reasons, it is recommended that, for example, you should hide a pushbutton sensor in the vicinity of the place
where the alarm central unit has been installed and configure it to the alarm reset object. If you do not assign a group ad-
dress to this object the ETS plug-in will issue a message to point to this unassigned object when you exit the tool.
4.3 Signalization/acknowledgement
When you arm and disarm the system the alarm central unit can confirm ("acknowledge") its change of state through
the alarm indicators. So it will be possible to recognize whether the system has, as desired, responded to an arming
or disarming request or not. This is, above all, important when you operate the system from outside without seeing the
display units.
In addition, various signals for the state indication of an arming area are available. You can pick off such signals
through EIB objects.
For example, the "static armed state signal" and the "static disarmed state signal" per arming area statically indicate
the armed/disarmed state of the system.
"Static armed state signal":
"1" = AA is in the armed state/"0" = AA is in the disarmed state,
"Static disarmed state signal": "1" = AA is in the disarmed state/"0" = AA is in the armed state.
Furthermore, two dynamic status signals are available which trigger the "armed state signal pulse" or the "disarmed
state signal pulse" ETS objects. Compared with the static signals, the pulse signals are time-limited. In this connec-
tion, the "armed/disarmed state signal pulse" time under the "alarm central unit" parameter branch defines the "1"
triggering period or the pulse time, respectively. A "0" object value stands for 'not triggered'.
"Armed state signal pulse:
"1" (object triggered after the pulse time) = the AA has been armed,
"Disarmed state signal pulse:
"1" (object triggered after the pulse time) = the AA has been disarmed.
Acknowledgement can be made through the alarm indicators in the form of a visual or audible feedback. Thus, the
flashlight, the indoor or outdoor siren or the potential-free relay contact can acknowledge arming or disarming for each
arming area. Per arming area, you can use the "acknowledgement by …" parameters in the "arming" parameter
branch to assign the alarm indicators to an acknowledgement.
Under the "alarm central unit" parameter branch, you can separately parameterize for the "armed" and "disarmed"
states the acknowledging periods for the alarm indicators. So the "armed state acknowledging time" will be started
if arming has been successful, whereas the "disarmed state acknowledging time" will start running after successful
If you are arming the system (arming request) and the areas concerned are, however, not ready for arming yet no
acknowledgement will follow, i. e. the alarm indicators assigned to an acknowledgement will not be triggered (nega-
tive acknowledgement).
To clearly recognize arming or disarming you should parameterize different lengths of the "armed state" and "dis-
armed state" acknowledging times.
Feedback through an alarm transmission device ("ÜG-Scharf" (armed state signal to the ATD) terminal or ETS object) is
also possible for arming/disarming. For this purpose, set the "signalization by 'armed state signal' to ATD = "yes"" parameter
in the "arming" parameter branch separately for each arming area.
Since the "armed state signal to the ATD" signal may sometimes be used by the up to four arming areas the configu-
ration window in the ETS plug-in will indicate the areas assigned to this signal in the "'armed state signal' to the ATD"
option used by" line.
Display units will give additional information on the states of the system and of the detectors. For simpler systems in
the form of indicator lamps (ON/OFF), and for more comfortable systems, info display units will inform you on the
state of the system by text messages such as "kitchen window - open".