EIB Alarm Central Unit, surface-
© Gebr.Berker 2005
Version: 18.08.2005
Page: 29 / 81
(Subject to prior change)
Part 9
4. Arming
4.1 Arming devices
4.1.1 Configuring arming devices
You can assign a maximum of four independent arming devices to each arming area. These arming devices such as
key-operated switches, transponder arming devices, code keypads or block connecting links facilitate the activation or
deactivation of an arming area, i. e. to arm or disarm it. Even simple installation pushbuttons or EIB pushbutton sen-
sors can, in principle, be used as arming devices; however, they will not offer you any protection against unauthorized
access. For this reason, pushbutton sensors are often installed within a building to be safeguarded, for example to
activate outer shell surveillance ("internally armed").
Safeguarding areas signalling, for example, intrusion contain magnetic contacts or motion detectors in most cases. Only
for those areas arming/disarming can be effected by the assigned arming areas or by the arming devices.
On the other hand, an "attack detector" safeguarding area is an area which will always raise an alarm if an integrated
attack detector has tripped, regardless of what the state of the system is. A "fire detector" safeguarding area will also
raise an alarm, once an assigned fire detector has tripped.
Arming devices can be coupled to the alarm central unit exclusively through the EIB and will act on the "arming input" ETS
object which separately exists in each arming area. The polarity of this object is fixed: "1" = arming/"0" = disarming.
On the basis of the project information in the ETS database, the ETS plug-in will now automatically find out which other bus
devices configured within the project are connected to the "arming input" of the alarm central unit via the group address
assigned to this object (you can only link one group address to the arming input from the ETS plug-in).
The bus devices or arming devices connected have different physical addresses which you must specify when con-
figuring these devices. To be able to assign to an arming area an arming device existing in the project you must use
the "arming device 1…4 physical address" parameter to specify the physical address of this arming device in the
parameter branch of the arming area. For this purpose, the ETS plug-in will suggest the possible addresses in a se-
lection table, out of which you must select one per arming device. You can assign a physical address only once per
arming area.
The bus devices should have been configured before you configure the alarm central unit from the ETS plug-in.
Changing any configuration data after configuring the arming devices (e. g. changing the physical addresses or
the group addresses) can cause malfunctioning. The ETS plug-in will issue a message to point to a configuration
error if the assignment between the group address of the arming input and the set physical address of an arming
device is no longer given.
Also, the ETS plug-in will signal a configuration error if not all arming devices created in the project have been as-
signed to the corresponding arming area, or if more than four configured arming devices exist.
By the assignment of the physical addresses, the alarm central unit can find out which arming devices or bus devices
are authorized to arm or disarm the system. Only telegrams from authorized bus devices will be executed.
Telegrams from unauthorized devices which act on the "arming input" object will lead to sabotage alarm ("arming
device sabotage") in the "armed" state. In the "disarmed" state, there will be no response.