Installat ion, use and maintenance 3 3 0 M
Install the machine accor ding to the
instr uctions in the
par agr aph “Installation”;
Install the m achine so t hat it is far fr om
people who m ust not use it, especially
childr en;
Do not be distr acted while using the
Do not wear loose clothing or open
sleeves, if necessar y use headgear t o keep
hair out of the way;
Do not let anyone come close t o the
machine while in use;
Do not r em ove, cover or change the plates
that ar e on t he m achine and, if they ar e
damaged, r eplace t hem immediately;
Do not r em ove the pr otective devices and
do not change or exclude the mechanical
pr otective devices;
Only slice per mit ted pr oducts; do not tr y t o
slice any pr oducts t hat ar e not allowed;
The ar ea ar ound the machine, wher e the
food is laid and the floor wher e the
oper at or wor ks must always be kept clean
and dr y;
Do not use the m achine as a suppor t
sur face and do not place any object on it
that does not per t ain t o nor mal cut ting
oper ations;
Immediately st op the m achine and call the
technical assistance ser vice in t he case of
anomalous function, suspect of br eakages,
incor r ect movements, unusual noises,
Always use gloves that ar e r esistant to
cutting and tear ing for the cleaning and
maintenance oper ations;
The goods t o be cut ar e to be placed on
and r em oved fr om the sliding over plate
only when the plate is completely r etr acted
(far fr om the blade) and the car r iage all
the way towar ds the oper at or ;
No cut ting accessor ies ar e allowed unless
supplied by the manufact ur er ;
For any extr aor dinar y inter vention (belt
r eplacement, blade r eplacement, etc.)
manufactur er
author ised assistance per sonnel.
The guar antee of a good function and a
complete confor mit y of t he machines, that ar e
to be used accor dingly, depends on the
cor r ect
instr uctions
contained in this m anual.
The m anufact ur er declines all dir ect and
indir ect r esponsibility der iving fr om:
Not following the instructions in the
Persons using the machine who have not
read and understood the contents of this
Using the machine so that it does not
conform to specific regulations in force in
the country of installation;
Unauthorised changes and/ or repairs to
the machine;
The use of accessories that are not
supplied by the manufacturer and spare
parts that are not original;
Outstanding events.
If the m achine is sold or given away, this
automatically means that the manufactur er is
no longer r esponsible unless the r elative
manual accompanies it.
If the machine is tr ansfer r ed to anot her user
in a countr y with another comm unit y language
it is the fir st user ’s r esponsibility to supply a
cor r ectly tr anslated copy of this manual in the
language of the countr y wher e the machine will
be used.
In the case of tr ansfer of the m achine t he fir st
user must let the manufactur er know t he
addr ess of the new user so that he can be
r eached
comm unications.