Installat ion, use and maintenance 3 3 0 M
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Supply of machine and support column
The machine is supplied with also two washer s and two
bolts, put together with t he feet.
If you have the machine with suppor t column A:
Lift the machine car efully and inser t the following on
the base as shown in t he figur e: position B t he
r ubber holed foot; position A, C and D t he nor m al
r ubber feet .
Place the m achine on the suppor t column by
inser ting the feet into the cups; for a cor r ect
positioning the suppor t colum n m ust be or ient ed so
that the black spot F on the base is on the sam e
side as the machine flywheel shaft.
Adjust t he position on t he column r egulating t he
height of the foot E.
Check t hat the machine is cor r ectly settled on the
column, then lock t he machine in place by inser ting
the scr ew in the B position going thr ough t he cup
and r ubber foot, do not tighten it t oo much.
If you have the machine with suppor t column B:
Lift the machine car efully and pay at tention t o
inser t the r ubber holed feet in or der to have the
same shape of the pedestal plate (m ar ked with the
ar r ow) with the same shape of the m achine.
Place the machine on t he suppor t column tr ying t o
put the holed r ubber feet in cor r espondence of the
holes on t he plate.
Adjust t he position on t he column r egulating t he
height of the foot E.
Check t hat the machine is cor r ectly settled on the
column, then lock t he machine in place by inser ting
the scr ews in the holes.
Eliminate all the packaging (str aps, car dboar d,
polyur et hane foam or polyst yr ene, polyet hylene
bags, etc.)
: The packaging components (plastic str aps,
car dboar d, polyur et hane foam) can be thr own away
with nor mal solid wastes and ther efor e ther e is no
difficult y in disposing of them.
However it is advisable to dispose of pr oducts
separ ately (differ ential collecting) in confor mit y wit h the
r egulations in for ce for adequate r ecycling.