Installat ion, use and maintenance 3 3 0 M
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Assembly of the flywheel:
M ove the m achine car r iage all the way
towar ds the oper at or .
Take out the taper pin fr om t he flywheel
ham mer t he pin at t he taper ed end
(smaller diameter );
Inser t the flywheel so t hat t he m anoeuvr ing handle
is at the top and t o the left, as shown in the figur e,
compar ed to the hole for the t aper pin.
Check t he cor r ect cor r espondence of the flywheel
shaft sleeve holes.
Inser t t he pin into the sleeve as shown in
the figur e with t he taper ed end (sm aller
diamet er ) towar ds the sleeve itself.
Hammer the opposite end of the pin
(lar ger diameter ) inser ting it all the way.