Reasons for a failed calibration:
A bad calibration ( recalibrate)
Calibration fluid is contaminated (replace fluid) recalibrate
Measuring probe broken (left too long DRY) (replace probe) and recalibrate. Caution: broken
pH probe pH value on screen =7
When the Ph and Rx are properly calibrated the screens will disappear automatically.
After 2 minutes the screens disappear and you can read the values from the screen. If the
calibration is correct the values are as follows:
a. pH 7.0 +- 0.1
Redox 468 +-10mV
If the values are not within the range described above, you can press the pH and Redox
buttons again to repeat the calibration process.
After an initial calibration, you also have the option of adjusting the pH manually. This is
only possible if both the pH on the unit and the measured pH are normal.
Using the following steps, you will have the probes calibrated in no time:
Here you get the choice to calibrate via PH7 or manually enter a value (see picture) that was
measured with a professional water tester like the Poollab ZWMX1060.
If the values are not within the range described above, you can press the pH and Redox
buttons again to repeat the calibration process.
Manual pH adjustment (pH7-7,8)