Belanger , Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Enterlink™ Setup
This section assumes the carwash has been completely installed and the Carwash Conltroller has been
programmed with a Base Wash.
Unitec™, the makers of the Enterlink™ entry systems have put into their system a Belanger exclusive
setup function. There are some important factors involved that cannot be changed. The BaiStation™ can
be programmed to go back and forth from attended to self loading. The Enterlink™ system processes the
entry information for self loading.
The Enterlink™ is capable of four separate packages with up to seven options in a given package. For
example, if your first buy-up package is package 2, that package will do a Base Wash and will have the
possibility to add up to seven other function.
The four packages can be programmed to any desired configuration as long as relay #1 of the
Enterlink™ corresponds with package #1 of the Carwash Controller.