Belanger , Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Available Menus
The BAIS-T™ system has 10 main programming screens. They can be found in the “CAR WASH SET-
UP” area. Below is a list of the 10 screens, with their abbreviated (where applicable) and full titles. There
is also a brief description of each screen.
1. Edit Function Names (Edit Func Names)
A functions is a single process or step that can be programmed into the system. This screen changes
the names of the individual functions that have been programmed into the system.
2. Edit Function Data (Edit Func Data)
Changes the assignments of the individual functions that have been programmed into the system.
3. Edit Package Names (Edit Pack Names)
A package is a set of functions that have been grouped together. This screen changes the names of
the packages that have been programmed into the system.
4. Edit Option Names (Edit Optn Names)
An option is a function that is programmed separately to be initiated upon special request. Usually
when the customer purchases a carwash upgrade. This screen changes the names of the options that
have been programmed into the system.
5. Setup Packages and Options (Set-up Pack/Opts)
This screen is where packages and options are assembled or grouped together. Prices and timing is
assigned also.
6. Edit System Data
Configure wash to your site specifications and desired loading method.
7. Printer
Configure the printer to produce the various reports that are available.
8. Change
A password is required to initially program the BAIS-T™ Configurator Module or to alter an
existing program. This is where the password can be changed. The previous password is required.
9. Clear
Clears BAIS-T™ errors which are recorded. For more information, see Report #4: “BAIS-T™
10. Exit Set-up
To exit after all programming is complete.