PF1352 USER MANUAL REV A 12/21/15
For example, the voltage mode is set to List, frequency mode is set to Step, and current
limit mode is set to Fixed, as shown in figure 18. If the user clicks the
Submit Trigger
button, only the voltage list and frequency step will be updated. The voltage list
will accept the full parameter list of 50.0, 100.0, 115.0, 125.0. The frequency step will
only accept the first parameter given, 305.0. The current limit will ignore the parameters
given, since the current limit mode is set to Fixed. The result is shown in figure 6-19.
More information about the
subsystem can be found in section 6.2.3.
Figure 6-18 Before Updating Trigger Values
Figure 6-19 After Updating Trigger Values