PF1352 USER MANUAL REV A 12/21/15
Figure 6-2 shows the Configuration dialog box, which can be opened from Behlman
Remote Interface File -> Configuration. This dialog box allows the user to configure the
interface used for communication.
Figure 6-2 Configuration Dialog Box
If the initialization fails at any step for any interface, a pop up window describing the
error will appear.
RS-232 Configuration
To setup a RS-232 port, the user must select the Comport and Baud Rate into the
appropriate drop down fields, select the RS-232 interface and click Open. If the
initialization of the port is successful, “Serial Connection Opened” will appear in the
display box.
USB Configuration
To setup a USB port, the user must select the Comport into the appropriate drop down
fields, select the USB interface and click Open. If the initialization of the port is
successful, “Serial Connection Opened” will appear in the display box.
Ethernet Configuration
To setup an Ethernet port, the user must enter the IP address and the TCP port into the
appropriate text box fields, select the Ethernet interface, and click Open. If the
initialization of the port is successful, “Connected to Server” will appear in the display