Version: 2.8
Activation of oversampling
The following steps must be performed (fig. Activation of ScopeView2):
1. Select the process image of the EtherCAT master (in this case: “Device 1 - process image”)
2. Select “Enable ADS Server” in the “ADS” tab
3. Select “Create symbols”
4. Note the “Port” (usually 27905)
5. Adopt configuration (note: PLC restart is necessary!)
Fig. 181: Activation of ScopeView2
Use of the oversampling variable
The following steps must be performed (fig.
Target Browser
• Select ScopeView2 “View” - > “Target Browser”
• Select “Enable Server Ports” (button at top left)
• Enter the noted port (see fig.
Activation of ScopeView2
) in the field at the bottom left
• Confirm “Add” and “OK”
• A new entry, “AdsPort of Image 1”, appears in the Target Browser; select it and display the tree with [+]
• Select the variable “CH1 SAMPLE 0” or “CH2 SAMPLE 0” for the terminal used and display the tree
with [+]
The last entry in the tree contains the oversampling variable (can be recognized by the index T
+Oversampling factor)
A double-click on this variable displays its characteristics. A double-click on the variable with the blue box
inserts it into the object browser.