Version: 2.8
Data type not valid
It may happen that the target browser is unable to determine the data type after insertion of the
oversampling PDO (according to an array variable usually). In this case it can be changed by the
channel properties:
TwinCAT 3: Activate the ADS Server of an EtherCAT device
Also see Beckhoff Information System:
TwinCAT 2 procedure
The TwinCAT Scope2 supports the import and display of oversampling process data such as is used by
oversampling-able terminals/boxes.
System requirements
A TwinCAT Scope2 must be installed on the system.
An oversampling-able terminal must be present in the configuration.
The data type of the variables is also conveyed to the TwinCAT Scope2 via the ADS data. Therefore the
array variable must be created