97654 v.7
Abbreviation Parameter Name
MIL ...................... MIL Status- Status of the malfunction indicator lamp (or CEL).
DTCCLR ............... Run Time Since DTCS Cleared- Minutes the engine has been running
since the last time a diagnostic code has been cleared.
MILACT ............... Run Time While MIL Active - Minutes the engine has been running with
an active MIL or CEL light.
Abbreviation Parameter Name
DPF SL ................
DPF Soot Load - DPF soot load as a percentage of maximum.
REGEN ................ DPF Regen Status - States if vehicle is in active DPF regeneration cycle.
EGRCMD ............. EGR Commanded -
Commanded position of the exhaust gas recirculation valve).
EGRACT .............. EGR Duty Cycle Actual - Actual open percentage of the exhaust gas
recirculation valve.
EGRCMD ............. EGR Duty Cycle Commanded - Commanded open percentage of the
exhaust gas recirculation valve.
Abbreviation Parameter Name
ABSTPS ............... Absolute Throttle Position- Current position of the throttle valve
expressed as a percentage.
MAF .................... Mass Air Flow - Flow rate of air mass in intake.
THRCMD ............. Throttle Commanded - Commanded position of the intake throttle valve.
THRPOS .............. Throttle Position - Actual position of the intake throttle valve.
THRREL ............... Throttle Position Relative - Position of accelerator pedal.
VT CMD............... Turbo Vane Command - Commanded position of the turbocharger vanes.
VT POS ................ Turbo Vane Position - Actual Position of the turbocharger vanes.
WG CMD ............. Wastegate Commanded - Commanded position of the wastegate.
expressed as a %.
Engine Performance Fuel
(Banks Exclusive)
Abbreviation Parameter Name
AFR1/1 ................ Air Fuel Ratio Bank1 Sensor1 - Measured Air Fuel Ratio.
AFRCMD ............. Air Fuel Ratio Commanded - Target air fuel ratio request by the ECU.
............... Air Fuel Ratio Error - Error between the actual and commanded air fuel
ratio (negative values are richer mixture).
LOOP ................... Fuel Closed Loop Status - States if vehicle is in open or closed loop
fuel control.
FUEL R ................ Fuel Flow Rate - Instantaneous fuel consumption rate volume.
FUEL L ................. Fuel Tank Level - Percentage of fuel remaining in fuel tank.
TM ADV ............... Injection Timing Advance - Start of injection angle relative to TDC (after
TDC is negative).
LTFT1 .................. Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 - Historic fueling correction used while in
closed loop fueling mode.
STFT1 .................. Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 1 - Instantaneous fueling correction used
while in closed loop fueling mode.
................... Total Fuel Trim Bank 1 - Incorporates long term and short term fuel
trim into a single trim value.