97654 v.7
(Banks Exclusive)
Abbreviation Parameter Name
AAP ..................... Ambient Air Pressure - Pressure of air surrounding vehicle.
BSTCMD .............. Boost Commanded - Target boost value set by the powertrain
control unit.
................ Boost Pressure - Pressure in intake manifold relative to barometric.
DPFIP1 ................ DPF Inlet Press Bank 1 - Pressure measured at the inlet of the diesel
particulate filter.
DPFOP1 .............. DPF Outlet Press Bank 1 - Pressure measured at the outlet of the diesel
particulate filter.
FRP ..................... Fuel Rail Pressure - Pressure of fuel in fuel rail.
LIFT P .................. Lift Pump Fuel Pressure - Pressure of fuel at inlet to the high pressure
fuel pump.
MAP .................... Manifold Absolute Pressure - Pressure in intake manifold relative
to vacuum.
.................. Pressure Ratio - Ratio of Manifold Absolute Pressure compared to
Ambient Air Pressure.
TCIP A ................. Turbo Inlet Pressure A - Air pressure measured at the inlet of the
Abbreviation Parameter Name
RPM .................... Engine RPM - Rotational speed of crankshaft.
TURBO ................ Turbo A RPM - Rotational speed of turbocharger.
SPEED ................. Vehicle Speed - Speed of vehicle relative to road.
Abbreviation Parameter Name
AAT ..................... Ambient Air Temp - Temperature of air surrounding vehicle.
CAC1/1 ............... CAC Temp Bank 1 Sensor 1 - Temperature of the air at the charge
air cooler.
CAT1/1 ................ Catalyst Temp Bank 1 Sensor 1 - Temperature of the catalytic convertor.
DPFIT1 ................ DPF Inlet Temp Bank 1 - Temperature measured at the inlet of the diesel
particulate filter.
DPFOT1 ............... DPF Outlet Temp Bank 1 - Temperature measured at the outlet of the
diesel particulate filter.
EGR1/1 ................ EGR Temp Bank1 Sensor 1 - Temperature of the gas in the EGR system.
ECT ..................... Engine Coolant Temp - ATemperature of engine coolant.
EOT ..................... Engine Oil Temp - Temperature of engine oil.
EGT1/1 ................ Exh Temp Bank 1 Sensor 1 - Temperature of the exhaust gases (sensor 1
is closest to the cylinder head).
IAT ....................... Intake Air Temp - Temperature of air in air filter or entering compressor.
(Banks Exclusive)
Abbreviation Parameter Name
LOAD .................. Absolute Engine Load - Normalized air mass per intake stroke as a
percent of engine displacement.
APP D ................. Accelerator Pedal D - Measured position of the accelerator pedal for
circuit D.
APPREL ............... Accelerator Pedal Relative - Position of the accelerator pedal normalized
from 0-100%.