97654 v.7
15.2 Definitions of Common Parameters
The following list of data parameters is not a comprehensive list of everything
that the iDash can display. It is a smaller subset of some of the more common and useful
parameters that you may want to monitor on your vehicle.
The parameters available on your iDash is dependent on what sensors the manufacturer has
installed on your vehicle. You will not be able to see every parameter listed in this glossary
due to it not being supported by your vehicle.
Data is organized in groups/categories to easily locate the parameter you are interested in.
Some vehicles will have multiple sensors in a system (Ex: EGT1/1, EGT1/2, EGT1/3...). In these
instances Bank 1 (Ex: EGT
/1) refers to the side of the engine that the number 1 cylinder
resides as defined by the manufacturer. Bank 2 (Ex: EGT
/1) is most commonly only found
in "V" configuration engines and it indicates the side of the engine opposite of the number
1 cylinder. When there are multiple sensors measuring the same type of data in a system
(Ex: IAT1, IAT2, IAT3...) then the number 1 sensor is located furthest upstream in the path of
airflow and the highest number sensor available is furthest downstream in the system.
(Banks Patented)
(Banks Exclusive)
Abbreviation Parameter Name
.................... Ambient Air Density - Mass of air per volume of the air surrounding the
..................... Boost Air Density - Mass of air per volume in intake manifold greater
than the Ambient Air Density.
..................... Density Correction Factor - Ratio of actual ambient air density to
selected standard day.
.................. Density Ratio -
Ratio of Manifold air Density compared to Ambient Air Density.
.................... Manifold Air Density - Mass of air per volume in the intake manifold.
.............. Manifold Relative Humidity - Relative humidity in the intake manifold, a
value greater than 100% indicated condensation).
..................... Relative Humidity (B-Bus) - Percentage of water vapor in ambient air
compared to maximum potential water vapor.