CK 2.2 Keypad
Programming Manual
(BKC-DIP) RS232 Guide
Updated 08/13/07
Page 84 of 87
Seven Character Mode continued…
Messages intended for a keypad in SEVEN CHARACTER MODE shall be sent in the
following format:
WHERE tt = Display time,0 THRU 99 in tenths of a second
If tt=FF, then display does not time out until another BKC-DIP "L"
command is received.
WHERE cc = X-Coordinate, 0 THRU 10
WHERE rr = Y-Coordinate, 0 THRU 6
WHERE L = Message sent to a keypad with an ID of FF in SEVEN CHARACTER
WHERE "TEXT567" must use only 7 UPPER CASE ASCII CHARACTERS or #s (except
quotes ["])
CK 2.2 Keypad shall support 7 characters maximum on a single horizontal line while in
SEVEN CHARACTER MODE. Text will only be displayed on the bottom line of the
CK 2.2 Keypad, and displayed CENTER JUSTIFIED.
Display 1234567 for
9.0 Sec on COLUMN (0), ROW (6)
(the CK 2.2 Keypad bottom row)
(FF,K,L,T5,X0,Y6,"CABLE ";) Display CABLE for
0.5 Sec on COLUMN (0), ROW (6)
(the CK 2.2 Keypad bottom row)
A keypad with an ID of 1 will display the text:
The display shall consist of the data between the quotes only, excluding the quotes.