User Manual
3/8” Tie
-Lok® Data Tool
Document #P80080 Rev. B
© Copyright
BAND-IT-IDEX, Inc. 2022
All rights reserved
All rights reserved
A Unit of IDEX Corporation
4799 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80216-3070 USA
P: 1-800-525-0758
Settings Screen
Target Torque: Percent of max torque the tool tensions the band with, 40% is recommended.
Lot Number: Adds a lot number to the data stored
Change Tool: Used when changing to a new tool, see pg. 19 for a detailed overview.
Choose File: Selects the data file you want to upload.
File format is “TOOLSERIAL# MM_DD_YYYY”
Multiple cycles are store to each data file, typically a full days’ worth of installs.
Copy Log to USB: transfers the selected file to USB flash drive if installed. If a duplicate file name is already on a
USB stick, the current file will be over written with the latest version.
Enable Contact Switch: double tap On/Off switch to enable or disable the tangency and buckle sensors.
Eject Mode:
Auto: Activates the motor for a preset time after the cut to eject the tail
Manual: does not run the motor after cut.
Units: Changes between Metric and English units
External Trigger: The tool will respond to the trigger when off, or the remote trigger connected to the controller
when on.
Reset Cycle Count. Resets the Clamp Count on the top of the screen
Exit runtime: closes the IT8000 program and goes to the home windows screen.
To update date and time on the HMI: Exit Runtime -> Settings -> Date/Time -> Restart Runtime
Figure 60