Manual Part Number:
Revision Level: A
ECO 8541
File Name: MN-A-0177
Page 28
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
*RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
Pause RS-232 serial output stream:
Carefully type the following command string:
“sserfmt=0” and press “enter”. The serial output stream should stop. If the serial output
stream does not stop, reset the serial input buffer again and retype the command string.
Also note that the input characters will be mixed in with the output characters on the
RS-232 terminal. See example below
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
RUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
sserfRUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
mtRUN 20.9 % ALM1 ALM2 FLT 5,11
Perform Air Calibration:
Type the following command string: “scalibrate=0.209” and
“enter”. If the calibration is successful, the analyzer will display another asterisk
“*” character. See example below: