Steam sterilization
The product may only be sterilized when dismantled.
Check to ensure that the sterilizing agent will come into contact with all external and internal surfaces (e.g. by
opening any valves and faucets).
Validated sterilization process
– Disassemble the instrument
– Steam sterilization through fractionated vacuum process
– Steam sterilizer according to DIN EN 285 and validated according to DIN EN ISO 17665
– Sterilization using fractionated vacuum process at 134 °C/holding time 5 min
When sterilizing several instruments at the same time in a steam sterilizer, ensure that the maximum load capac-
ity of the steam sterilizer specified by the manufacturer is not exceeded.
Store sterile products in germ-proof packaging, protected from dust, in a dry, dark, temperature-controlled area.
Technical Service
For service and repairs, please contact your national B. Braun/Aesculap agency.
Modifications carried out on medical technical equipment may result in loss of guarantee/warranty rights and for-
feiture of applicable licenses.
Service addresses
Aesculap Technischer Service
Am Aesculap-Platz
78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
+49 (7461) 95-1602
+49 (7461) 16-5621
Other service addresses can be obtained from the address indicated above.
Adhere to national regulations when disposing of or recycling the product, its components and its packaging!
TA-Nr. 011458 05/15 V6 Änd.-Nr. 52558
Risk of injury and/or malfunction!
Do not modify the product.