AXIS Q3538–SLVE Dome Camera
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View area
A view area is a cropped part of the full view. You can stream and store view areas instead of the full view to minimize bandwidth
and storage needs. If you enable PTZ for a view area, you can pan, tilt and zoom within it. By using view areas you can remove parts
of the full view, for example, the sky.
When you set up a view area, we recommend you to set the video stream resolution to the same size as or smaller than the view area
size. If you set the video stream resolution larger than the view area size it implies digitally scaled up video after sensor capture,
which requires more bandwidth without adding image information.
Capture modes
A capture mode is a preset configuration that defines how the camera captures images. The capture mode setting can affect the
camera’s field of view and aspect ratio. The shutter speed can also be affected, which in turn affects the light sensitivity.
The lower resolution capture mode might be sampled from the original resolution, or it might be cropped out from the original, in
which case the field of view could also be affected.
The image shows how the field of view and aspect ratio can change between two different capture modes.
What capture mode to choose depends on the requirements for the frame rate and resolution of the specific surveillance setup. For
specifications about available capture modes, see the product’s datasheet at