Metal to Metal
Tap Water
Saline Solution
Using wet Q-Tips is the most effective and sanitary method of delivering the microcurrent to the patient/client.
You MUST use a solution that is capable of moving the electrons through the solution. Not all are created equal.
Below are three pictures of conductivity using the probe meter of the micro5 as a simple conductivity meter. The
higher the reading on the meter the better the conductivity.
The best conductivity is metal to metal, shown on the far left. The middle picture shows a q-tip moistened with
tap water. The far right picture shows the tap water q-tip re-moistened with a saline solution made up of our
special salts compound.
It’s clear that when using moistened q-tips they should be soaked in a saline solution. Doing that eliminates one
variable you can control.
1/2 Teaspoon of our mi-
cro5 Electrolyte salt to
8 oz of water
Equals a normal saline
Our special salts compound contains Sea Salts, Himalayan salt and Sel Gris. In the proper proportions, this
combination of salts creates an amazing electrolytic solution of minerals important to muscle and nerve
function, and to overall health.
It is recommended that you create a master blend of the solution in a larger container and then portion it out
for each patient/client using disposable Dixie cup type of containers. After each session you will dispose of
the used saline solution and q-tips. This prevents cross-contamination between patients/clients.
Contact us about ordering our special salts compound.