More about the “I” Interferential Preset
Your AXION micro5 has a very special factory preset for microcurrent interferential. This setting is very
useful in bathing a larger area with the stimulation. Below is a very simple ex planation of how interferntial
The basic definition of interferential therapy is the use of two channels of stimulation crossing each other
at 90°angles. At the point of intersection, an interference pattern is created (beat frequency) that is the dif-
ference of the frequencies of the two channels. For example: If channel one is 900 Hz and channel two is
950Hz, the beat frequency created by the intersection of the two currents would be SO Hz (950-900). This
third “beat” frequency is produced inside the body and radiates outward at 45° angles as shown in fig.1.
This figure shows a line representation of “Static Interferential”.This representation holds true if both
channels have the same microamp output.
However if the output of the channels is varied, the current path of the beat frequency can be moved. This
technique called “Vector Scan” is used to move the beat frequency path over a greater area. This is illus-
trated in fig.2.
Using the “I” Preset ch 1
When you press the “I” preset you will notice that both chan-
nels are ready for programming.
BOTH CHANNELS MUST BE USED. The microamp default for both chan-
nel is 400.
Static Full Field with vector scan
The output of channel 1 is 900 Hz. This is fixed and cannot be changed. The
default frequency of channel 2 is 150 Hz. This actually represents 1050 Hz.
When the start key is pressed the frequency of channel two will begin to scan
from 0-150. This is called “Rate Scan”.This represents 900-1050 Hz It is
displayed as 0-150 to show you the beat frequency being created. If you want the beat frequency to be a
certain number it can be changed, however if it is changed it will no longer scan.
You will also notice that during interferential operation, the microamp outputs of channels 1& 2 increase
and decrease. This is Vector Scan and is used to create a full-field effect to bathe a larger area with the
stimulation. The channels will vary about +/- 30% of the set value. For example, if 500 is the set value to
Vector Scan, the value of channel two will scan down to about 350 while the value of channel 2 will scan
up to about 650.
NOTE: Each time you want the Rate Scan Vector Scan option, you must press the “I’ preset. After stop-
ping, the channels will reset to a static mode. If you want to reset to the Rate Scan/Vector Scan, press “I”.
Also note that after auto-shutoff in the “I” preset that the frequency of channel 2 resets to 000.